This morning I got up to my wonderful hubby making eggs, bacon and biscuits. We all sat down to eat breakfast together and Emma's bed head started things off right by making me smile.

After a quick but delicious breakfast Aiden and I started off by going to the second week of story time at Glenvar Branch Library. Aiden has become quite taken by a little girl named Anna at story time and today he went a little too far and tried to lick her face. I guess boys will be boys, but I think he made her mom a liitle uncomfortable. I am so sorry about that Georgianne, Miss Amelia even pulled me aside when we left and told me that Aiden would have to leave story time next week early if he could not keep to himself to try to teach him a lesson. I will talk to him, but I guess if he cannot behave we may be leaving early next week.
After story time Aiden did get to go on his long awaited paly date with Anna. We met up at jump and got to have fun playing for about an hour and a half. Aiden said she was his best friend on the way home and was sad that we couldn't go to lunch with Anna and her other friend Andy, but our schedule was pretty full today. I did get some fun pictures while we were there though.
Aiden, Anna and Andy!
The kids weren't actually supposed to get on this one, but they had a lot of fun before they got caught by the guy working there, lol....guess they should have put a sign on it :)
Anna with her mom and Maryellens 6 month old..... she was such a happy baby with big beautiful blue eyes that just stole your heart....
Don't take my picture, I said don't take my picture Mom!!!
Anna and Aiden pretending to play the racing game in the arcade!
Two little monkey's
Funny Faces!!!!
After Aiden had his play date it was time to get ready for my monthly date with my hubby. We have vowed to go on one date a month this year and we started in February with the Blake Shelton concert. Last month we went to dinner and went to hang out with some friends. This month was the Billy Currington concert at the Salem Civic Center. The opening bands were Kip Moore and David Nail. Below are some of the pics I caught with my phone before it died. I will add more in another post once I sort them out.
Josh had a Margarita on the rocks and I had a Coco Loco (which are fantabulous btw) at Rancho Viejo before the show.
We found a $20 in a puddle outside the concert so we picked up an extra souvenier, a signed Billy Currington CD, and each of us got a concert T-shirt. Here is my awesome hubby in his.
Kip Moore was first and he is most well known for "Somethin' bout a truck," but overall his performance was fun and enjoyable.
David Nail is best known for "Let it rain," but aside from that I didn't enjoy his music as much as I did from the other two acts. It would have been better if we had gotten more than 1/2 a smile out of hi whole performance. I guess it is possible that he was disappointed with the turn-out, as I would rate it as sad. Even once Billy Currington took the stage I would say the arena was still only about 1/2 full.

These are some of the best pics I have from teh concert loaded up so far, but I will go through the rest and get the best ones posted in tomorrows story!
Hope you guys have enjoyed your day as much as my family and I have enjoyed ours. Thanks again for watching the kids Kelsey adn we will see you again on Tuesday!
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