I have a new-found pleasure in life. It is funny sometimes, the things you can find to bring a smile to your face. I finally got to see Ribbert eat and it is amazing how long his little tongue is. Once we ran out of live crickets last night, we dangled some dead ones in front of him and he ate right out of "A's" and my hand. He is so quick it is startling!
Yesterday we got to go to Jump out by Tanglewood Mall again with a friend and her little boy. We only lasted about an hour and then it became a little too much for "J." I decided that it is a better place for me to go with just "A," instead of trying to take the whole family. There were older children there that took to the girls immediately and wanted to play with them and chase them around. They had fun, but it took a lot to keep an eye on them and "A" too. It was nice to see Linda and Tony as well, the boys have been asking about each other for months and we finally had the chance to get them together.

I started writing this post a couple of nights ago, but unfortunately the power went out at 1:03am and the internet was knocked out until around 9 am that morning and then most of yesterday was devoted to my nephews gradutations. So where was I...

Congratulations Victor and Anthony! I am so proud of both of you for graduating high school. I know you will both do great things in life and I can't wait to see you continue to grow-up and succeed in your adult lives. I will post some more pictures as soon as I get them loaded on to my computer for you guys. I love you both!!!
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