We only had about half of our Den show up to the meeting this week, but we still had all sorts of fun. We started our meeting by reviewing some of the Bobcat requirements and recording the Cubs achievements. We were able to add 3 more names to our Bobcat Board and the boys are getting excited to start down their Tiger Trail.
I have been working hard at figuring out how to incorporate the Tiger Cub electives into our meetings and we were able to fit two of them into our meeting tonight. After reviewing our Bobcat Requirements, we talked about Family and Scrapbooks and we started working on our first Den requirement: Make a Family Scrapbook. The boys really liked seeing some of our Family scrapbooks and it got them really excited to make one of their own. Since we are making our scrapbooks out of recycled materials, it is going to take more than one meeting for us to actually make our scrapbooks, but we got started on them tonight by picking out the pages they wanted to put in their books. My assistant, Kelley, and I took pages from an old wallpaper sample book and cut 6"x 6" squares to use for the pages and we had each boy choose 20 pages.

Once we had our pages all picked out, we changed gears and got out the thread, needles, buttons and fabric swatches. Each of the boys got three buttons to sew onto their piece of fabric and they were really excited about this activity too (Elective #18). The boys were all really proud of their sewing skills when they were finished sewing their buttons. After they were done I collected their sewn on buttons and I put them with their scrapbook pages.
We had just a few minutes left of the meeting when I managed to sneak away to sign up for my Family Camp Out duties. While I was away, Kelley stepped up and led the boys in singing "If you're a Tiger and you know it." (Elective #6)
After we got home from the meeting and I got all the kids in bed, I sat down and made Aiden's pages into a book. I displayed his newly sewn buttons on the cover and tucked his Tiger Cub packet inside it. One book down....9 more to go...LoL... I really think the boys are going to love their unique, recycled, Family Scrapbooks. Kelley printed out some awesome embellishments for their scrapbooks and I have a collection of stickers I am throwing into the mix. I can't wait to see what the boys come up with and see how they choose to decorate their books.
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