Jonas delivered us a whooping 9.5 inches of snow, but it was still plenty to have fun in. Unfortunately it was a pretty dry snow that was not good for snowballs or snowmen, it needed to be used for sledding fun instead.
Now we live on a pretty flat piece of land and it occurred to me that if we were going to enjoy sledding I was going to have to make a "hill" of my own. So being the "Supermom" that I am, I got to work as soon as the animals had been taken care of and soup had been put on the stove for lunch!
I started shoveling the sidewalk and the driveway around the car and piling it all between two bushes in our mainly flat yard to create a snowpile large enough to sled on. I worked hard moving all that snow and I thought I had done a pretty good job. I flattened the top of the pile off so that we could get on the sled without too much trouble and I even went sledding down it to make sled tracks for the kids to enjoy. Then I went in to invite the kids out. Aiden was ready to see how well I had done, while his sisters weren't willing to face the "cold, wet snow" to see if it was worth it. Of course once they saw us having fun, they were ready to join in and that meant going inside to dress two more before I could go have fun again.....but that was okay too. I was really looking forward to enjoying the snow with all of my babies.

It wasn't much, but Aiden and I were having fun when my nephew showed up to clear the driveway with one of the farm tractors and after watching us sled down my snowpile a couple of times he got a scoop of snow and decided to make it even more fun!

....and he helped my little snowpile grow into soooooo much more.....

.....adding scoop after scoop of snow until it more than doubled in size.....

...The girls had watched eagerly from the window as he worked and once it was safe I helped their Grandma get them dressed and ready for snow once again. They had sooooo much fun sledding on our snowpile and they were sooo thankful that Anthony made it even more fun than I had.
It's pretty nice to have an awesome family!
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