Had a fun visit with Momma today. Since we both have to work on Mother's Day we exchanged gifts and spent time together today instead. I found her this nice pearl ring to add to her collection...
which Aiden decidedly choose as his gift to Grandma Dee Dee for Mother's Day, so instead the rest of us took credit for the Garden of Love Picture and the Joy Mangano Fragrance sticks.

I got a great picture of Momma from her capping ceremony in Nursing School and a really pretty hanging flower basket. Momma's Pam did an excellent job of photographing her and catching a great moment in time. Plus I got a pretty "Tea Egg" for storing my jelewry on my night stand (Aiden told me what it was... lol) and a copy of the program from the capping ceremony to Scrapbook. I loved the presents, but really it was great just to be able to spend some time with Momma. We all have such busy schedules that we don't get to spend as much time together as we should be able to .
Grandma Dee Dee doesn't get to see her grandbabies as much as she would like, but today she had the opportunity to spend some quality time loving on them. Emma and Isabella took their time warming up to her, but once they did it was time to get some lovin's!
Of course it is also important to take time out of the day to get Daddy lovin's too.
We built a small campfire in the backyard this evening for Aiden and roasted marshmallows and let of some fireworks too. I didn't get pictures of the marshmallow roasating, but it was an amusing scene. If you can imagine it, picture Aiden, Josh and I gathered around a small campfire with miniature marshmallows on shish-ka-bob skewers, roasting them over the fire. It may be somewhat important to be a little more prepared with larger marshmallows and longer sticks the next time we decide to do that, but we had fun none-the-less. I got some cute pics and a pretty video of the "sonic boom" firecracker, but since my phone has not uploaded them yet, I suppose they will have to wait for another day. :)
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