This post was meant to be posted before the end of the day on Memorial Day, as you can see I am a little late. I really enjoyed the company and getting to go out and play on the river. Thanks so much for buying new toys Daddy, they are really a ton of fun!!! I got out and got a sunburn.... on my knees and the top of my legs.... ouch! "A" and Logan got to ride in a canoe for the first time this weekend. "J" got in a kayak for the first time, ...... Had to pause, "A" fell out of bed and wanted his blue silky bear. That entailed me having to get "Em's" blankets out of the dryer and her silky Minnie Mouse, so that I could go take his blue silky bear away from her, I also repurposed my extra-firm body pillow to become a bed rail. He seemed more secure and to be going back to sleep. I hope he does, we have to get up early as the insulation company is going to be here at 8:00 in the morning. I want to see how much this actually changes the electric bill. I like fresh air, but it is nice to be able to control the temperature all day long and not have to hate seeing the electric bill. I guess I need to go to bed now since I have to be up in less than 6 hours.
A big "Thank you" goes out to all of the men and women of the armed services today. We have a Navy verteran in the family and an active member of the Air Force, to them I give special thanks. Today we honor those serving, all that have served, and all that have died for this country.
We started our morning out right, with fried potatoes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

We had lots of visitors, got into bathing suits early in the day and enjoyed the beauiful day we were blessed with. There was lots of time spent on the trampoline, on the back porch and in the shade of the canopy.

There were also 3 trips made down the river throughout the day. We got some good shots on my phone. Poor "J" flipped the kayak and the ziploc bag his phone was in did not provide the needed protection. We are hoping the bowl of rice trick helps to pull the water out of the mic.
---- the rice worked after all!!!
Trip #1 - "J" took the Kayak, Momma, Logan, and Larry took the Kayak, and "A" rode in the blow-up boat with me.
Trip #2 -- William and I took the blow-up boat, Mom, Victor and Jocelyn took the canoe and Larry took the kayak.

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