At about 1:15 am on August 21, 2012 my Daddy's suffering was over. He had been battling cancer for a long time and God took him home to rest in peace.
We took the kids to visit with him on Sunday and Dad's face lit up each time he was able to focus on their faces and a look of recognition crossed his face. Daddy was in and out a lot on Sunday and seemed very confused, but comforted by familiar faces.
Mom was the best wife she could be all the way to the end and was with him and my big sister when he passed. For monthes before that she took care of him at home and did everything she could to make sure he received the best care.
We are having a hard time getting Aiden to comprehend that Papaw is really gone. We spent a good part of the day at Mom's today and even after Aiden had been told several times, when we got into the car to go home Aiden proclaimed "Mommy I wanted to see Papaw today, too!"
We will be honoring Daddy at the house I grew up in on Saturday. There will be visitation from 1pm to 3pm with funeral to follow. We will be welcoming friends and family to join us. If you need directions or an address to send condolences please message me or call me for more info.
We all love and miss you Daddy!
Rest in peace, you don't have to suffer anymore.
This little flower was in bloom when we got Mom home from the nursing home early this morning. We can only assume that it bloomed for Daddy as most of the vine has withered for the fall and the flowers are normally only out during the day.
I got home at about 4:30 am and knew I had to be awake at 6:30 am to get Aiden ready for his first day of school. So I did my best to stay awake all night.
I think I may have dozed off during the last 1/2 hr, but we were successful at getting him up and dressed and ready for school with time to spare.
We went outside about 10 minutes early to wait for the bus to make sure we didn't miss it.
Aiden was doing good and was ready to go to school.
Since he is a new student the bus driver missed our stop and had to back up a little to get us, but as soon as the bus went into reverse it was on. Aiden took off like a freight train and was back in the house bawling in no time flat. I still attempted to put him on the bus, but he was not letting go and leaving us behind.

So for his first day of school I had to take him. Aiden wanted me to walk him back to his classroom, so I waited out front with him and his class until all of the buses were there and unloaded. Then he found his friend Larone and our neighbor Lewis and we were on our way to the classroom. I tried to hang back and let him go on with his friends, but he noticed and came back to be with me instead. As we approached his classroom, I crossed my fingers and hoped it would go smoothly. However as we got closer I could hear one of his classmates revolting with a vengence. As Aiden looked through the doorway and saw the little girl having a meltdown he turned to me and said "Mommy I think I will go to school tomorrow." Mom's friend Bonnie is the guidance counselor and she was walking by as I was trying to leave, she quickly assessed the situation and offered to take Aiden out to pet the bunny in the courtyard. It worked like a charm and I was able to sneak away undetected.

I was so proud of my Little Man when he rode the school bus home and even more proud when I read the note his teacher sent home.
Today was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. As we move on to new adventures and acheive new challenges we will always hold the memory of Daddy close to our hearts and on our minds.