On Saturday August 25, 2012 my family and I held a celebration of life for my Daddy at his "mountain" house. I want to take a moment and thank everyone that came to honor Rodger D. Bivens 1944 - 2012, it was nice to hear how many lives my Dad had touched over the years.
My family and I also want to thank everyone that sent flowers, food and cards to my family in honor of Dad. He was a very special man. There are a lot of things I never had the chance to learn from him, but he did teach me quite a bit.

I also want to send special thanks to my sister Barbara and her husband Steve for everything they did to put together a wonderful day. You two really did a lot to pull this together and did a fantastic job making sure that Daddy was honored the way he should be.
It was especially nice to see the armed services present to give Military honors and will always remeber the Reverend offering donations to anyone that did not respect the Armed Servies of the United Statesof America, so that they could go live in some other country. That was exactly the type of thing that my Daddy would have said in conversation. It was a comfortable ceremony all the way down to the songs played: The Wind Beneath My Wings, by Bette Middler and Puff the Magic Dragon, by Peter Paul and Mary.
To every one of my readers: You all mean a lot to me and I love to see that I have had visitors. At this time I am grieving a terrible loss, but as I go through this I bear in mind that my Daddy isn't suffering anymore and I am grateful.
On a lighter note, the twins have started to vertical climb and Izzy has become a "No." baby instead of one that says "Yah." I am shaking my head as I sit here and think. Before Izzy learned to say "No." she learned to say "Yah." You could ask her things and you would get jibberish or "Yah" as and answer to questions. Once she learned to say "No" it became the answer to almost every single question. I will have to take a video of how she says it too. It is so adorable to hear the inflection that she adds, plus if you are lucky you will see her say "No way" which is way cute too.
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