Ever since the Derecho storm came through at the end of June, leaving us without power for 4-5 days, Aiden has become more attentive to storms. He will watch the clouds in the sky and promptly notify us when there are thunder clouds in the area. He has also started to run into the house yelling "Everybody run! Get away from the doors, there's a tornado coming...I heard it." looking all wild eyed and crazy. It is pretty amusing for the most part, though we have told him he shouldn't cry wolf all the time.

Eventually the storm took over the sky on both sides of the house, but it took awhile. I snapped quite a few pictures of the progress and it was neat to see blue sky in one direction and dark ominous clouds in the other. Even though the winds were high with this storm, it really seemed to take a long time for the rain to actually start. As a precaution we did go ahead and chain the trampoline to the tree again to make sure it didn't go on an adventure.
At first there were just a few small rain drops here and there, eventually the raindrops got bigger and the ground was covered. While we waited for that to happen we had fun playing in the rain with all the kids.
Emma wasn't sure about the wind at first, but once she decided that it wasn't going to hurt anyone she started to have fun with the rest of us.
Izzy had so much fun running in the rain, that she did not want to go back inside.
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