One of the best things about growing up in Roanoke Va is that I learned what a "Hot and Ready" doughnut was all about at an early age! Though we didn't get the treat often I always loved to get a melt-in-your-mouth fresh doughnut anytime I could!

One of the greatest things about a Krispy Kreme Doughnut store is that you can actually see the doughnuts being made and boxed for sale! This week I got to take my girls to a Krispy Kreme store and they got to enjoy the magic too. They especially liked the paddles that flipped the doughnuts before they floated to the conveyor belt that carried them to the next machine.

Since the Cub Scouts sell Doughnut vouchers my girls have gotten to eat fresh doughnuts so this time I let them choose their own. Emma got a strawberry iced doughnut with sprinkles and Isabella got a icing filled baseball! Both were gone in minutes and the girls were very impressed with their special breakfast! My favorite is a chocolate iced creme filled doughnut and I enjoyed one of those for my breakfast while wearing my new hat! ... lol...
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