The kids and I have gotten a slow start for the past couple of days, but we have still made it to Mom's Homestead and we got the garden shed workable for her. Ever since I moved in last fall the building was a wreck... the roof had leaked and many of the shelves were rotten... there were holes in the floor... and there was nowhere to walk...

We started by emptying almost everything out of the garden shed onto the lawn... then we removed the rotten shelves and added a Garden tool hanging rack for the rakes and shovels and such...

...then we put in another layer of floor boards...the kids really enjoyed hammering nails into the floor and they helped carry things in and out of the shed...

We added new shelves in the middle section of this wall...and added support to the top shelves... we are still debating what brackets should be added to the bottom shelves for proper support, but for now we are happy to have just the stuff in here that belongs in here...

This area has some of our animal care supplies and we have started hanging the various rakes and shovels Mom has...Her garden shed is still far from done, but I can say there is hope now! All of the tools are where they belong and they have a "home" now, a place to belong. Mom found a few things to go in the trash, a few things to go to my brother and a few things for the yard sale...all in all it was great to see this project come together like it has!
She has a day of errands tomorrow which usually leaves her frazzled, but hopefully she will see how much she has done for her craft show and she will dig in her heals and finish up the loose ends in time. I am slowly giving her back her "space" and I hope it is good for her. It has been her dream to have a Homestead and sell her goods and I am doing my best to help her see it through... she has fun at her shows... I guess I just hope she has the energy to jump back into her life at home!

I have a day of sorting ahead of me...I brought back a whole drawer of paperwork that must be filed, shredded or thrown away... and more clothes to go through to put away, store or put in the yard sale pile... I hope I can get all the sorting done before our proposed "yard sale" date of June 24th and 25th....we'll have to see how next week goes as we sort while Aiden is at Cub Scout Day Camp! It sounds like he is going to have a blast and one less kid makes sorting easier!
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