The latest additions to the Something Special Homestead hatched about 9 days ago!

This is a close up shot as the last duckling made it out of the egg! Pretty Girl is being a good Mommy Duck so far and has relocated her babies over to the "Nursery" area of the yard all by herself this time.

She doesn't seem to like Mom getting near her babies at all, but she still loves Josh and I and has let us get up close and even pet and hold them. The four yellow ducklings will turn into silver or lavender duck, usually with some white accents. The black and yellow duckling will turn black and white and the other black duckling looks like it will be a solid black duck. The two week old ducklings are currently for sale for $7 each or 2/$5.

We also have black two Males that are about 3 months old from the last nest. We were hoping that they were females, but when they started showing their true nature we knew they would have to be re-homed. They are beautiful and have been friends since they hatched. However each flock should only have one drake, otherwise fighting typically ensues. We had our last "extra" drake for about 6 months before he started fighting with his Daddy and we had to separate them. Though we do have two yards for the birds we do only have one house and they just can't stay together. These Drakes as well as two additional silver females are available for $25 each or $40 for a pair.

Please let us know if you are interested in getting some new ducks (*the Silver Drake pictured is not for sale). If you have a flock already we are willing to sell individually, otherwise there is a minimum purchase of two birds.

I can't say enough good things about Muscovy ducks and I hope that I can have them for many years to come! These ducks don't require a pond, but having a small trough to bath in makes them very happy. TBH I have even seen them bathe in a large dog dish soooo.... They are also a tree duck with claws on the tips of their webbed feet that allow them to roost in trees and scale fences. Each of our ducks has a unique personality with some liking to be hand fed and cuddled while others like to play catch! Get yours today!
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