We had big plans of tackling the storage unit this weekend, but when Josh's back seized up we had to put those plans on hold. I took advantage of the extra time in our schedule to get another shawl on and off the loom!

"Painted Desert" is beautiful blend of pinks, purples, blues, greens and browns. The homespun yarn beautifully stripes itself as it is woven and the end results are just breath-taking!

I don't know if my phone is capable of doing the colors justice, but I have found that I do like how they photograph on the porch the best. This shawl still needs to have edging added to it before it is ready for market and I am hoping for a small ruffled edge!

Mom did get a custom order for a grey and navy blue shawl this weekend, but I had to order some yarn and it won't be in until Oct. 3rd. Wanting to take advantage of every minute I could I started working on another shawl as soon as the loom was emptied and pictures were done. The first 10-20 rows of weaving go the fastest because there are less rows of yarn to weave over and under. By the time I get to row 70 though I have to weave in and out 140 times to go from the top to the bottom...so it takes a little longer. This color is called "Purple Haze". It is a fabulous blend of purples and blues that is going to be popular for sure! Tomorrow it's back to the Homestead to do some work and back to Christiansburg for Cub Scouts in the evening so this shawl won't progress quite as quickly as the painted desert shawl did!

Now I swear that Sweetie, on the right, started her nest a week before Pretty Girl, on the left...Pretty Girl's ducklings hatched on Sept. 8th though and Sweetie has just been a sittin'...We really wondered if they were going to hatch at all since her last nest never did...but then today when Mom sold off the 4 yellow ducklings Sweetie stood up and it looked like there were ducklings in her nest. I can't wait to get out there tomorrow and see what she has hatched out!
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