
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Salem Fair 2013

The Salem Fair has been around for as long as I can remember, maybe even for longer than I have been around...hehehe.... I have been countless times and Love Love Love walking around looking at the exhibits if nothing else.

 This year mom decided to treat her 4 youngest grandchildren, Victor and I to the fair.  We were going to get wristbands at Kroger for $15, but didn't realize that they had to be purchased by 4pm, so we decided to wing it.  On the way to the fair we heard that rides were $1 a piece until 6pm, so we had about an hour and a half to get some cheap rides in and still have some fun without breaking the bank.
 We decided to start with the Ferris Wheel, which Aiden was insisting on and Logan didn't want to get on.  By the time the ride was over Aiden decided it was scary to go that high and Logan decided he loved the Ferris Wheel.

 The next ride Mom wanted to make sure we got in was the carrosel.  The kids had a blast and Mom loved being able to share that experience with them.  I found out that its not as easy to stand up on the carrosel as it looks, but I did manage to get some pictures and video without falling off.

Emma was being cute as ever and laughing her little head off as she went up and down on her horse and Logan was ready to go faster.
 We headed for the Apple tea-cups next and Mom stayed with the girls while Victor and I took the boys and spun them silly.  Poor Victor had an upset stomach for awhile after that one.  So we let the boys choose some milder rides for the next couple.
 The collective favorites for the boys were the 4 wheelers that they could ride all by themselves and the funhouse.  I think they did each of those 3 times a piece.
 The girls were very disappointed that they were not big enough to ride the 4 wheelers, but Grandma was on top of it and we went on the Helicopter ride next.

 The helicopter was another spin and rock ride that the girls and Logan loved, Aiden mom and I were not so sure about this one by the time it was done tho.

 So Mom and I headed back to the Carossel with the girls and Victor took the boys to play on the 4 wheelers and in the fun house before we ran out of time at 6pm.
 It was great to see Mom enjoying herself with her youngest grandbabies and getting the chance to really enjoy them.  She was so happy that she got to share the Fair with all of us and get the chance to relax and have some fun again.
 Once the $1 rides were done we all joined back up and went to find some neat stuff to see. 

 We have had so much rain while the Fair has been in town that the Legoland display didn't have the legos out to play with, but the kids love playing the crayola app that has a special marker stylus to color with.
 The boys got the last of my camera battery with some picture boards they found....

.....And as much as I despise Sponge Bob, they of course thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  After we finished up J met us at Pizza Hut to finish off the night with a nice meal before we all headed home. Thanks again Mom for taking us to the Fair, we all had a great time and will have memories to last a lifetime.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Grand Opening of the new Glenvar Branch Library

 Today marked the grand opening of the new Glenvar Branch Library in Roanoke County, VA.  I wish I had some pictures of the old library that i grew up going to, it was a 5000 square foot, quaint country library with a small meeting, one child's computer and tiny sections.  We have been granted a new awesome library to enjoy for years to come that is ove 15,000 square foot, with childrens, teen and adult sections, quiet study rooms, conference rooms, a break room, a computer lab, even a fireplace.

Aiden was so excited to see "his" new library.  We got a re-useable bag for toting books back-an-forth, pens, candy, a Dr. Suess pencil, Charms, bracelets and even some snacks at the celebration, it was really a lot of fun.  The whole community seemed to be there.  I saw a couple of old teachers and their families, quite a few of Aiden's school mates, and even a co-worker, Cheryl, and her nephews.  Aiden picked out a few books to borrow and 2 Scooby-Doo movies and played in the photo booth with his friend Anna and I got to catch up with her mom.  [[Aiden is hoping we can get together for another play date with them soon :)]]

We got the information to register for the summer reading program while we were there too.  For Roanoke County go to www.yourlibrary.us, then click on the "Summer Reading" Link, Register and start logging your minutes.  After you have registered you can stop by your local branch library to pick up the summer reading packet and you are on your way to summer reading fun in no time. If you read for 10 hours by August 9th you can stop back by the library for a prize as well.  Aiden remembers doing the Summer reading program last year and was excited to pick out books to get started with this year.

Over the rest of the summer there are lots of other great activities planned for the community.  I hope to take Aiden to the Snakes Alive program ((July 23 1030@AM)) and to see Zelnick the Magician ((July 25 @3PM)) at Glenvar Branch Library and to the End of Summer Picinic at Greenhill Park ((August 9 from 5-8PM)).  I will have to see about getting a friday night off, but hopefully it is far enough out that I can work it out.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

El Derecho 2013

This years storm was like no other I have seen. It truly sounded like the was a freight train ran right over our house.  J was at school when the storm hit and I was at home with the kids.  Though tornados are rare in Virginia, they are not unheard of so I gathered the kids and the animals and put them in the basement.  Aiden was awesome with his sisters making sure they stayed in my office chair and even getting them each a toy to play with, while I ran up and down the stairs to assess the severity of the storm. 
 We lost a big limb out of the Poplar tree right beside the car port.  It would have made the perfect base for a tree house, however I lost the vote for that one and it was decided that it needed to go.
Aiden and I got to have some fun climbing on it before J and Dan and I cleaned up the mess.   Aiden even got to have some kids over to play while the grown-ups worked.  Aiden, Alyssa and Alexis had lots of fun playing in the water hoses and sprinkler.  Even after a day of hacking away at the branch there was still a big chunk left in the yard. 
 The neighbor that hays the field came by with a tractor and tossed what was left to the side so they could hay and we could mow.  Thank goodness for great country neighbors or we would still be working on that monster.
 We lost power early on in the storm when the Maple tree split and jerked the power line out of the pole.  The phone line and internet line survived the storm, but with no power to the main pole either we were out of internet for this storm too. 
 The power was down for 5 days, but I called them and bugged them enough that they made sure I was the last stop that last day before they went home.  Luckily our neighbors got their power back the next day too.
 The cats were intrigued by the tree being on the ground, instead of it standing up like it was supposed to.  Tiger Butt and Bastian did lots of talking as they walked through the tangle of limbs around them.
 The part of the maple tree that fell was just long enough to squash my whole garden, so once we figured out the power line in the yard was not a live wire, we went to town cleaning up the debris that had fallen.
 I used branches from the tree as I cut up the branches I used what I could to make stakes, and stand my tomato plants and basil back up again.  I was devastated that the tomatoes we had raised from seed had met uncertain demise, but I was determined I would at least give them a shot at recovery.
Just two weeks later my garden has bounced back and I even found 3 small tomatoes while I was adding more stakes and ties.  I can't believe how well my plants took off, but I am relieved that I still have a chance of getting some home grown tomatoes this year. ((Now to figure out how to keep the bugs and deer from getting to them))

Congratulations Sherry Gutwein!!!

It was a long rainy drive to Narrows, VA, but worth the trip to see a good friend happy again.

The ceremony was beautiful and the rustic decorations were the perfect touch.

I do wish we had stayed longer, but hungry grumpy children won that battle and so we headed home before the reception. 

Congrats to the happy couple, you both deserve many years of happiness to come!!!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

June 2, 2013 --- A day we are not soon to forget :)

On Sunday June 2, 2013, my family and some of our friends gathered to take an adventure down the Roanoke River.  When my Dad bought his 2nd home on the river he wanted to take a canoe trip from the house to Greenhill Park in Salem.  Unfortunately, we lost him to cancer before he could fulfill that wish. 
In honor of his memory we took his ashes in a Maxwell House coffee can on a boating trip down the river in the front compartment of his kayak.  We took 4 canoes and 8 kayaks down the river and gave him quite a show.   At the start of the trip we had Rick and Alice, Barb and Lisa D, Victor and Mom & Kimmie, Aiden and I grouped up in the canoes.  While J, William, Thomas, Cathy, Fred, Aidan, Mathias, and Larry all took kayaks. 

After Rick and Alice flipped their boat for the second time we decided to separate them, but our mishaps did not stop there.... Most of us were either inexperienced at river boating or had not been for many years so there were a lot of mishaps as we made our way down the river.... Victor and Mom hit a rock and fell in, Cathy fell in several times, Rick and I zig-zagged the river and poor Alice and Kimmie got stuck on the rocks all the way to the bitter end.... Lisa D and Barb were successful at keeping their boat upright and facing the right direction for the most part...... And we did manage to keep all the small children in boats that were not dumped in the river which was nice.....
Along the way we would group back up and take short breaks together, usually when someone fell out of a boat...... When we took a short break at the bank where Mom and Victor tipped over to get everyone situated and we found ourselves surrounded by Yellow Swallowtail Butterflies...... Aiden managed to catch one while the rest of us enjoyed the beauty we stumbled upon.... It was just the type of thing Dad would have loved to have pointed out to us all.....
It wasn't long after that last break that the sky  turned black and thunder started rolling...... Maybe if the river had been up a little higher we could have beat the thunderstorm and avoided some fo the  rocks that got in our way, but alas those of us that thought they were going to make the whole trip and stay dry were sadly mistaken..... 
 As the first boats got to the final stretch the sky opened up and poured buckets of rain on our heads.... It was so bad we could barely keep our eyes open...... We all kept our heads up and pushed on to our final destination.... Green Hill Park..... 

I have memories dating back to my childhood of going to that park with my parents and hiking the trails, we would watch for signs of wildlife and even walked up on deer more than once..... We took our Golden Retriever, George, to the river and would go out wading and finding small fish and Crawdads...... There are also lots of festivals and re-enactments and picnics there...... and even sporting events like the Mud Run Victor did one year one year....
At the end of our trip once everyone was gathered back together and we joined up with my cousins that met us at the park(Kim, Scott, Corey and Richard), we spread Daddy's ashes and tossed the dried flower petals from the funeral into the river to let him continue his journey where we left off.....GG was very worried that this experience would be too hard on Aiden as young as he is, but he seemed to understand enough and though he is not convinced cremation is the way to go, he was ok with Papaws decision to go that way, he just really wants to see him again.... I have been being very supportive of his grieving and showing him pictures and talking about how now Papaw will always be one with the river and there to talk to anytime he wants to or needs to....
Dad would have really enjoyed the day we all had together and at each mishap many of us could picture him sitting back critiquing us and laughing cause it wasn't him....  Everyone came back to the "River House" and enjoyed a nice cook-out complete with Coca-Cola, mixed drinks, sangria and Oreo cookies, some of Dad's favorites.... J cooked the burgers and dogs on Dad's grill and the weather cleared up so we could have a great end to an adventurous day.

Rodger Douglas Bivens July 16, 1944 - August 21, 2012

***I did not get the opportunity to take pictures of the event so I have pulled pictures and maps from the internet to help tell my story***