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Get Free products to review!

Have you ever wondered how you could get FREE products online without having to sign-up for a free trial? Or pay shipping? Or provide credit card info? If so I have found the perfect site for you to join. Smiley360.com  There are no membership fees, no credit card information exchanged.  All they ask is that you spread the word about the products you try and post a review about them online and in exchange they will provide you with the product to try.  This program is so simple that almost anyone could do it.

When you first register at Smiley360.com there are several surveys to complete your profile information so that you can be matched up with brands that you would be interested in trying out.  The benefits are worth the time it takes to get set-up, plus they give you a few points for each section you complete.   Once you have been offered a “mission” and accept it you are given all the tools you need to share your review of the product to earn “smiles.”  The more smiles you earn and the more active you are on the site the more "offers" you will get and the more FREE things you will get sent to review.

I have done missions for several different products including Campbell Soups, Pam, Mucinex and many more.  Most of the products I have reviewed have come with coupons that I was able to share with friends and family and some of the products even came with bonus goodies like a pyrex baking dish, a new spatula, and some cool knee high socks.  I really hope that you will join me on Smiley360.com and start doing product reviews too.

Just click on any of the blue "Smiley360.com" links on this page to get started today! 

I currently have 3 missions that I am enjoying... 

I have gotten to review an excerpt from Invincible, by Brian F. Martin. This book details Childhood Domestic Violence, the typical effects, and ways to break the cycle.  It has been an interesting read, with eye-opening examples and insight from well-known people.  To find out more about this book click here.

I have also recently been assigned to a mission for Children's Advil Sugar-Free Dye-Free (click here for a $1 off coupon) and ChapStick dual-ended Hydration Lock (click here for a $.50 off coupon)

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