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Monday, April 13, 2015

I want a Sleep Number bed!

Today my son and I took a trip to Knoxville and while we were there we took a few moments to learn about Sleep Number beds at one of the stores in Knoxville, TN and some of the other products they offer too.  Now when I say "we" I mean, I enjoyed a presentation from a great sales person named "Matthew M." while my son tried every bed in the store, played with the legos, had a pillow fight and played with the other salesman that was there.  Shane and Matt worked well as a team and I appreciate how patient they were with us.  Anyone that has shopped with a 7 year old for something they are not vaguely interested in knows this can be a challenge and the staff working at the store you are in can make or break the situation.

I thought the salesfloor was clean and organized, the salesmen were dressed professionally and the environment and lighting was very comfortable.  My son checked out the restrooms, as he seems to need to use every public restroom in existence, and they were clean and stocked with soap and paper towels. (I always hate when he returns from a restroom to tell me how disgusting it was)

Matt started by having me lie on the classic model bed and he determined  my sleep number is a 20 (I should get an e-mail showing the results soon). I got to see the pressure put on my body and lack of support I get from sleeping on a mattress that is too firm and I got to see it change as the beds firmness changed.  I learned that I would sleep much better on a bed much softer than the one I have. It was very interesting to see how different the models felt.  I tried the standard pillow-top, the memory foam and the blended topper.  They really do have something for everyone!  My favorite was the memory foam(model m6), but I was impressed to learn that if I purchased a Sleep Number Bed I would get a 100 day in home trial with the ability to trade up or down in model if I don't pick the perfect bed the first time.  Plus they come with a 25 year warranty!

For about $300 you can even add SleepIQ to queen and king mattress sets.  This system has around 1000 sensors that track your heart rate, restful sleep, restless sleep, times out of bed and more to let you know how well you are sleeping.  Different bases can add head elevation, leg elevation, vibration, night light, zero gravity setting, and even a sleep timer that will adjust the bed back to your favorite position once you are asleep.  You can get individual heat settings and remotes for each side, head boards, sillhuottes, sheets, comfortors and more.  Though I do get a little sticker shock looking at their prices (I am used to clearance shopping here) if you break it down and look at how much it would cost to replace an intercoil mattress three times (they say you should replace them every 8 years) really their product is worth the price.  With three small children I will have to do some saving to ever get to enjoy something this nice, but man I would love to have one of those beds and some of those pillows.

I was also impressed with the selection of styles and fill for their pillows, plus their extensive line of soft goods! My favorite soft good line was the "In Balance" line.  The specially woven fibers actually keep your body right around 77 degrees F and they even offer pillow caes in this line to help keep you cool from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

Though I did not purchase anything while I was at the store, I did start a wish list and will be going back to see Matthew when I am able to start getting the things on it.  Having worked in sales for many years I felt that the salemen were good at presenting their product without being pushy or overbearing and that is very important to me.  I am even more excited about my FREE Memory Fiber Curved Support pillow I will be recieving from Smiley360.com in exchange for my review of the store now that I have had the oportunity to test out some of the Sleep Number products and I have a feeling my first purchase will be the In Balance pillow case to ge with my new pillow.

I have not been paid to express my views and they are mine alone. The prices and products shown in this article are subject to change and are in no way guaranteed by this review. I do want to give a "Shout Out" to Matt and Shane in Knoxville, Thank you for taking the time to show me around your store so that I could learn about Sleep Number products! Y'all were awesome!

Me by the "Fit" screen!
My son playing with the "Baby" legos....and I think to myself he could really use a handheld game system as if he doesn't already have enough stuff....smh....I was very proud of him in this moment, I just wish it had lasted longer.....What happened to the days of kids listening to their parents, he even listens pretty good at school and church, but with me sometimes it's not so great.....
These two pictures are the in store version of pricing options I was presented with today.  I love that they gave me the prices right up front.  Recently while I was shopping for a used van I actually had a salesman refuse to give me a price on a vehicle until after I test drove it...smh....Needless to say he didn't earn any commission from me nor will I go back.  I am pleased to say "I look forward to the day I can enjoy the Sleep Number products and getting to go back to the store in Knoxville, TN to buy from Matt and Shane."

Friday, March 20, 2015

Shout out to "Smiley360.com"

For those of you that are not familiar with Smiley360.com, it is a web community that exchanges samples (mostly full size) for an honest review of the product.  Over the years I have done reviews on many products and have been rewarded with the opportunity to try some products I may not have otherwise. If you would like to join this great online community please click here.

The missions overlap and I am continually offered surveys to qualify to try out. Currently I am working on a mission for Sweet Tarts Soft andnChewy ropes and Sleep Number and recently I have reviewed TAZO® Chai teas and 3 coupons to try out 3 additional full size packages of tea or latte, NEW ChapStick® dual-ended Hydration Lock plus coupons to share with friends and family, and NEW Children’s Advil® Sugar-Free Dye-Free (berry flavored) plus coupons to share with friends and family.

The Sweet Tarts Soft and Chewy ropes I received free from Smiley360.com were a big hit with my girls, age 4.  My son, age 7, did not like the sour middle.  I thought they were pretty good and so did the Hubby.  In the end I am sure this will be requested again and again.

If you would like a coupon please click the following link. Http://h5.sml360.com/-/s766