
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Hello Again!

I can't believe it has been almost 5 years since I have created a blog post!  I don't even know where to start!

We stayed in New Hampshire for 2 1/2 years and while we were there we met some great people (and some crummy ones)! We got to experience a Nor'easter or two, Summers that only lasted 2 weeks and entirely too much rain!  We hiked up Mt. Monadnock, got our son to Scout rank in Boy Scouts, visited the ocean a bunch and adopted a cat!  My husband broke his arm the first Winter and then blew out his back the second.  Then while he was out on medical leave from back surgery he got laid off.  

Since we love adventure the hubby started applying for jobs all over the place and he ended up finding a pretty good one in Nebraska! 24 hours worth of driving due West, but hey "Why Not?" So we packed up and took off.

We moved to almost the center of the country.  It was a melting pot of cultures, races and religions.  The weather was a mix of what we get in Virginia and what we got in New Hampshire.  Less rain was nice and the wide open blue sky was awesome!  It really was a neat community and a place I am glad I got to call home for a little while. 

Then COVIDland descended upon us and everything flipped on it's head!  The kids couldn't just go to school, I couldn't just go to work all day anymore,  curfews were implemented and store shelves were bare at times.  The family in Virginia needed our help and so we decided to see if the economy would allow us to come home and help out.  As fortune would have it the hubby was offered a Supervisor position and we were able to move back to Virginia.

It has taken 5 months to fell like I am starting to really get back into the swing of things and get things organized here.  Our son is getting good grades in his remote learning classes and is still in Boy Scouts.  The girls are still doing Girl Scouts with their old troop in Nebraska with Zoom meetings.  The hubby is enjoying his new job and I have decided to see if Mom and I can relaunch our business.

Tonight I created a new listing on Etsy for her handwoven dish towels, shared it to Facebook and even found time to write!