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Supporting Local Schools

Support your local schools!

I remember the days of going door-to-door with my elementary school fliers selling wrapping paper, candies, nuts, and novelty items at least twice a year to raise money for my school.  Things are a lot different now, the elementary schools have transitioned to a yearly Walk-a-Thon where the kids ask for sponsorship for in support of their school, instead of selling over-priced novelty items. It's a nice change I think. I am much happier giving the school $5-10 that they get to keep rather than paying $10 for a roll of wrapping paper with the school only getting a percentage of the sale.

Throughout the year elementary schools also participate in grocery programs by collecting "Box Tops For Education" and "Labels for Education". These programs are easy... all you have to do is check your packages before you throw them away and tear off the specially marked part of the label.  Even if you don't have kids in school you can still turn in these special labels at any elementary school or just look for kids playing in the neighborhood and they can turn them in for you too.  
Some grocery stores also offer additional fundraising for the schools in their area.  In Athens, TN customers of Ingle's Market grocery store can register their Ingles Advantage cards in the "Tools for Schools" program and then simply do their shopping as normal.  They really couldn't make it much easier. Oh but wait City Park Elementary school and Ingles Market did make it easier... all you have to do is post your name and Advantage card number (don't forget the number after the space) and they will link your account in their "Tools for Schools" program database for you!  I have managed to get 4 card numbers for my son so far, but it is kinda hard when you are new to town and haven't met very many people.  So here is a call-out to my readers.... If you have an Ingles Advantage card and would like to support City Park Elementary School in Athens, TN please post a comment below before September 10, 2014  and I will add your name to the list. (There is a contest for the class and student that turns in the most card #'s)

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