So this time Mom ordered two loads of mulch... oy vey! I am hoping to take a break from mulching tomorrow and give my hands and back a break, but we'll see. With hurricane Matthew looming I hope to get as much moved before Saturday as possible.

Last Fall when I moved the garden for Mom I worked for weeks filling each bed to the brim. I used compost, grass clippings, hay, straw, manure and anything else we could find just to get them filled. Unfortunately, that has all settled and at the end of the season Mom was left with half empty beds again. Boooo! No good!

Per her request, I emptied the two compost piles over the asparagus. Then I pulled the last of the vegetable plants and filled in the rest of the beds in the garden with mulched branches and leaves. Now we have a big pretty garden growing an eggplant, some horseradish and some mint. I got all of the cement blocks filled in so they can also be used for growing. Though I think that crowds the garden a bit much unless it is onions or carrots. We did plant onions in some last year and they did really well...our carrots got crowded and shaded by the peas but they were in the main bed instead of the outer blocks so I think maybe they should be moved next year?

The ducks and chickens were more than happy to help me spread the compost and mulch, but they are also the reason the weed blocking material in the path needs to be resituated too! I was able to get started on a little corner of the path before it was dinner time and quitting time for the day. At least it is easier for Mom to dump the wheelbarrow in the path and she can help with that part!

I got to check in on Sweetie and her babies today and they are all doing well. The ducklings are learning quickly and Sweetie is a good Mom. Which is good since some, if not all, of the babies are being sold tomorrow. I feel bad taking them all away since she has worked so hard to be a Momma duck, so I really hope they don't all go even though Mom hopes they do! (Sweetie has sat on two nests, with this one really actually taking twice as long to hatch as it should have and then only 7 out of 11 eggs actually did hatch!)
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