Well... wow...Things are starting to get overwhelming for me at times... but I am trying to just "take a breath" and tackle "one thing at a time" until I get everything done. Lately, I've been working away as usual and I have gotten a lot done in the past few days! Aiden and I have sold some more Cub Scout popcorn. We have sorted some more things to prepare for moving and scheduled appointments with moving companies to come out and estimate moving needs. I have picked up the last of our stuff from Mom's house (I think)! The girls and I got to visit a friend of mine and her new twin boys, who are too cute, and family! Plus, I finished up a couple more shawls and got them passed on to Mom for edging ...I really need to start doing that on my own one day... but ya know, for now I am learning what works from her and how much yarn it takes!

These two shawls are almost ready for market and Etsy! They are both approx. 5 1/2 foot across the top and have a simple crocheted edge along the top and we do still have enough yarn to add a ruffle if requested! I think both are beautiful browns... on the left is Barley and it reminds me of milk chocolate... on the right is Pearls and it reminds me of pearls scattered in the sand!

The kids had a coloring contest at school and I wanted them all to participate. As therapeutic as coloring is supposed to be, getting these three pictures colored was not therapeutic at all...Lol! I really think my kids just don't like doing what I want them to do... really, any other day they would have happily colored away, but this weekend it has been a chore to get these masterpieces done. I was very proud of how they turned out and hope y'all love them as much as I do!

Today has been a Monday for me for sure, but I did get to do something I love to do and don't get to do often enough! I got to use power tools and build!

Ta-Da! My easel, that I built, is on the left and Mom's original easel is on the right. I used hers as a pattern, but I have always wanted a higher rung for the Tri-loom to rest on and now I have one to try out! I tend to catch the top of Mom's in the car when I transport the original one, so I made this one a little more streamlined, which seemed to work nicely this afternoon. Mom traded eggs for the 2 x 2 legs and I used scrap wood from the hay barn for the loom rests, odds and ends screws and nails (yes I got frustrated with the drill by the end and went back to my trusty hammer...lol) for holding it all together and 2 foot of chain and a hinge that Mom bought for this project. I am so excited that we have two easels now and I am super happy with how well the new one turned out. Now I have to get back to weaving and get caught up on some projects... after getting some sleep that is... :0)
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