After the past couple of days I think Snowy has the right idea! She lounged under the crepe myrtle all day yesterday while I moved another 10 wheel barrels full of mulch to the backyard. I did get two spots finished up, just one more to go and the backyard will be done!

The birds were helpful, as usual! They always keep an eye on us to make sure we do our work right anytime we do anything in their yard! LoL

The ducklings are growing so fast, especially the black one that is two weeks older than the yellow ones! It is starting to get it's feathers and will be absolutely beautiful once they all come in, which shouldn't take long!

On my way home I was driving South on I-81 around mm 133 when everyone in front of me slammed on their brakes. I looked back to see the roof of a blue car swerving back and forth behind me, I guess in an attempt to get me out of his way. He went ahead and passed me on the right as soon as traffic started to thin up and came back into the left lane so fast he went onto the shoulder before straightening up again. Then around mm 131 he rear-ended the guy in front of him, also in the left lane, before swerving to the left and sideswiping him as he bounced off the cement barrier beside the road. All of this happened while traveling 70-80 MPH and the gentleman driving the car above was able to maintain control and chase the offending car for another 10 miles before losing him. Another witness and I stayed with the older man that had been hit until an officer could come and take our statements. We were able to provide the make, model and color of the offending car along with the state on the license plate and the last 4 digits of the license plate number between the three of us. The officer that took my statement said he believed they may have the caught the guy after he wrecked again 20 miles farther South! I searched the news stations and couldn't find out anything more about the accident though, so I'm not sure if it was him or not.

Once I got home and had a quick bite to eat Aiden and I were off again! We had an awesome Cub Scout meeting last night that started with an Adopt-a-Street clean-up walk, followed by popsicles and a Den meeting. During our den meeting the boys helped plan our Bear carnival and got started working on their games! The boys that didn't finish took their projects home to complete and the rest were put in the storage closet for next week. We did take a break at 7:40 pm to watch the Anteres rocket launched for the Orbital ATK's sixth resupply mission. It was launched from Wallops Flight facility on Virginia's east coast. After we watched it launch on YouTube we waited the prescribed 2 minutes for it to come into view. We got to see the initial fuel burn and then it flickered out and a few seconds later reignited for the final thrust into space!

Cooling Wind Party Time
Today I worked hard to complete two more XS shawls before it was time to take off for parent/ teacher conferences.

These are their "Pete the Cat" art pieces that were hanging in the hall! They are so cute!

Once I got home, Aiden and I got to work on his Cub Scout carnival game. He has made an eyeball toss with awesome attention to detail! He helped cut the holes out with a knife and did all of the outlining and coloring! The "eyeballs" are made out of ping pong balls decorated with marker that will be tossed at the board. The old Nerf game net that we had will be used to hold the board up and catch the balls when they go through the holes!

Aiden has decorated six "eyeballs", but he hasn't told me how many the kids get to use per "turn". We will have to work on that another day, but I am very impressed with how well his game has turned out and I think it will be a hit at the carnival!
Last but not least.... Isabella lost her first tooth tonight. As many times as she has knocked them loose I am kinda surprised that it has taken this long! LoL Since the new tooth came up behind the baby one about 5 weeks ago, it didn't push it out quite right. The baby tooth had been loose for so long it had started to turn grey so we pulled it instead of waiting any longer. Isabella was so brave and went to bed eagerly anticipating a visit from the Tooth Fairy!
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