When we moved to Christiansburg over the summer Aiden joined Cub Scout Pack 348 and he is loving it!
So far, he has 49% of his Bear requirements completed and hasn't completed an adventure yet...smh... It is so different not being the Main Den Leader this year and it is soooo hard to relinquish the lead role too.... Aaagh! I am doing my best to let this Pack grow and gain support from the parents that will be here once we move, while still offering as much help as I can. This really is a great Pack with a lot of parental involvement and a lot of great plans.
Last week we started our "Bear Claw" adventure by learning about different types of knives, how to care for them and safely handle them and basic first aid in case someone gets hurt. Plus the boys got to use a sharpening stone to practice sharpening a pocketknife. Requirement #1 completed! Requirement #2 started - still need to earn Whittling Chip

For our first "carving' project, requirement #3, we used butter knives and soap. Ivory soap seems to be the softest which makes it easier to carve, but it also makes it break easier. Above is Aiden's first ever carving. He chose to carve a fish and I am super proud of how well he did! I am interested to see what he chooses to whittle out of wood when we move onto that in November!
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