Our Monday started late Sunday afternoon while Aiden was working on getting un-grounded...his assignment was to pull weeds in the blueberry garden for 20 minutes to earn 50 points (he needs 520 total to get un-grounded). So I walked him out to the garden, showed him which plants were the blueberries and told him not to worry about the long grass in the back...just the little stuff in the middle...and then I walked away....one day I will be able to do that ...Sunday apparently was not that day...lol... Aiden comes bursting in the front door about 15 minutes into his 20 minute stretch and hollers "Hey Mom! C'mere! I gotta show you somethin'! C'mon it's awesome! I found all sorts of onions out there Mom!" He was so proud of himself and I hated to be the one to tell him "Wow! (pause to compose myself) Baby...those aren't onions...you pulled up all of Grandma's daffodils. (deep breath) It's okay though...here let me show you how to tell the difference by breaking a leaf and smelling it before you pull up the wrong thing... we can replant the flowers...yes...they will be fine..." He was heartbroken that his triumph was a great big flop, but relieved that he wasn't in more trouble. He went back to the blueberry garden and pulled real weeds for another 20 minutes to earn 100 points and then it was time for showers and bedtime...

This morning I got up and got the kids ready for school to have Isabella tell me that she doesn't want to ride the bus to school...It's only a 7 minute drive that I don't mind in the mornings so I went ahead and took her...When I got home I decided to get one of the two cakes I have due for orders on Saturday baked....but it's Monday....so even though it looked done when it was pulled out of the oven it really wasn't. The weird part is that the edges are the part that didn't bake completely...guess there's a first time for everything...Of course there is no saving a cake that wasn't cooked completely so I threw it out the window... literally right out the kitchen window...lol...The ducks and chickens were happy for the extra treat...I, on the other hand, was unhappy to have to make an extra trip to the store so I could make another cake...(which I am putting off until it is no longer Monday!) I did get some of the vegetable plants we wanted for the garden on my way home from the store so that was good. Plus the plants are a nice size and look very healthy. -- I went to the little greenhouse behind Smith Mountain Flowers on 122! She was super friendly and has very nice plants and good prices too.

After getting back from the store I was too discouraged and mad to bake, so I was headed back to the yard for some more mowing therapy and was told we had run out of gas... SMH...things were not going my way...but then they never do on Mondays it seems. Though it didn't take Mom long to get gas and get back we still didn't get the yard mowing done... We did get our saplings watered and it was a lot easier than yesterday when poor Aiden got assigned the task of watering all 20 trees with two small buckets, one per tree. My big brother felt sorry for him and made a water barrel with a spicket that we can drain onto the trees from the trailer behind the riding mower...which is a much easier process...and very soon after we finished watering the trees we got a short yet powerful storm finishing off any chance we had to mow the dry yard...and tonight we are getting a nice long thunderstorm...I hope the poor trees don't float away...lol...at least the mulch I added around them should help hold onto some of this moisture and give them a good start towards growing into big trees.

I did manage to get Mom's hair cut and colored before her travels that start on Friday! The above picture is of her with the dye doing it's job. I tried to get an after picture, but by the time I remembered she was exhausted and half asleep...I can't put that picture out there...lol...so maybe tomorrow I will catch her and get a before and after comparison lined up. It turned out a little darker than expected, but her hair doesn't hold color well and it will lighten up fairly quickly, plus I like it dark...it matches her eyes and eyebrows! :0)
For now it is time to relax before Monday gets the best of me...lol...I hope that everyone is staying dry and warm tonight as these storms sweep the nation! God bless you all and Goodnight! :0)
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