Since Silver's eggs are taking their sweet time hatching and it was rainy all day long I tried to distract myself from the waiting by weaving! I was able to finish the weave on a "Petunia Stripe" shawl and get it off the loom!

This yarn goes from a light blue to purple to fuchsia creating a beautiful design in the weave. Mom usually does the borders on the shawls, but since she is going to be traveling for awhile I might just take a shot at it and see how I do. The nice thing about crocheting is I can pull it out a thousand times if it's not working out for me.

This nest is not progressing as fast as the first one I was around to see hatch and it is killing me!!!! When Lucky had her nest last fall all of the ducklings were hatched within a few hours of starting to break the shell...With Silver we are almost at 24 hours since the first shell cracked and only three have managed to get all the way out of their eggs! There are at least five more eggs that have started to crack...I am soooo impatient and I want to help them out of the shells sooooo badly...Unfortunately most baby birds helped out of the egg don't thrive...so I am letting them fight their way into this world one peck and one push at a time and hoping for the best. At least the kids don't know exactly how many eggs were in this nest so they aren't expecting any certain number of babies!
I have also been eagerly awaiting flight 4778 out of Philadelphia to bring my hubby home to me tonight...He was supposed to arrive by 10:30 pm and I was hopeful that I would get some sleep before chaperoning a field trip for Aiden's class tomorrow. For now I will just pray that his flight does not get further delayed and that things will all be okay!

After bath time the girls asked for wet braids instead of having their hair dried. It's been awhile since I have done this for them and we had gotten done with baths early so I consented... Emma got 13 braids while Isabella's thick hair took 19, but they were both very excited that Mom was not using the hair dryer...

In the midst of doing hair, Snowy figured out that one of the girls left my bedroom door open and she proceeded to go challenge my 17 year old baby "Tiger Butt". When I ran from the next room to interfere she ran off and I didn't notice anything, but when I went back in after getting the girls hair done what I found was anything other okay! There was blood everywhere...the only "wound" I can see is on his paw, so maybe he caught a nail on something? Maybe she bite his foot? I really don't know, but I am truly surprised he didn't bleed out based on the amount of blood!

Now that I have cleaned the carpets, the blood pool on the nightstand and have my blankets in the wash...I think it's time for a little relaxing before I drive off to the airport....and since there is still time I think I am going to go catch an episode of "Private Practice" while I wait....Though it apparently airs on ABC, since I don't have a DVR anymore I don't watch "live" TV anymore....I discovered this show on Hulu a few weeks ago when I found myself caught up on the few other shows I still enjoy (Law & Order SVU, Bones, Heroes Reborn, to name a few). From the first episode I was hooked and I frequently find myself wanting to watch more and more and more... It's so good I have to stop myself from binge watching it all at once!
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