The girls finally got to go to the Zoo last Wednesday after being rained out the week before and by then lack of sleep and too much to do started catching up to me... I was still getting plenty done, I just didn't have the energy to tell my story at the end of the day. Tonight I have gotten things settled a little earlier and look forward to getting caught back up on my blog soon!

On Thursday last week I had to go out and get chicken feed and noticed that the Farm Store had some of the vegetables I had been looking for. Plus, they had rhubarb for Mom. I didn't think any of the roots we had planted last month were going to take and it surprised me to find that one had actually started growing. So I only bought two plants and filled in the garden for Mom.

I also picked up some sweet red bell peppers, a sweet pepper plant that has red, yellow and orange peppers and some red hot peppers for jelly....

These are Mom's paste tomato plants. If they stay as healthy when they are planted outside as they are now we are going to have tons of salsa this year!!!! ...and boy is that stuff yummy!!! I have gotten another trailer of manure and hope to get the last 8 cement blocks next week so I can finish it up and get all these plants in the ground!

We had been having some trouble getting Big Boy and Lucky to agree that this nest of eggs is hers. So today we tried to reintroduce him back to the flock. We put him and his two hens in the back yard before we let the rest of the birds out hoping that would help him just blend in, but the other two roosters had his number pretty quick. We kept a close eye and could tell they just weren't going to let him be so we put him back in the other pen. He stayed close to the fence and one of his orange hens until we put her back over the fence too and then they took off together... Though Big Boy had not looked real good for awhile I had hoped he would make a full recovery. Sadly tonight at bed time we found him laying dead in the yard. :( R.I.P. Big Boy... you were a good rooster from the beginning and we will miss you dearly!

For now I have to get some more rest before sending my hubby off to the airport in the morning for another week in Manchester, NH. Then showers for the girls and on to church we go to celebrate Pentecost Sunday @ BUMC!
I will do my best to get back on here tomorrow with more updates!
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