I sent the DH off for week 2 of 8 this morning. Very very early this morning... We actually almost slept through turning off the alarms that started going off at 4:30 this morning, but as luck would have it we managed to get up just in time to get there when the other guys did!

It was a rainy nasty morning, but that didn't stop American Airlines passengers this morning... with that being said on both legs of my DH's trip back to NH people were refused entry to the planes because the plane would weigh too much...the sad thing is, it also happened on the second leg of the trip home just days earlier and his co-worker almost got left behind.

So how do you make sure this doesn't happen to you? ... Well you could try what they did **Upgrade to priority boarding**... this will allow you to be in the first group of passengers that board the plane...so far that has enabled DH and his co-workers to get on the plane before they start refusing access. I can't guarantee that this will definitely work for you, but we are going to keep testing this theory and we will let you know what we find out!
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