My major project this Thursday involved cleaning the chicken coop! I had lots of help from the chickens, ducks and even the cat, Snowy.

Though I may look goofy...cleaning a chicken coop is especially hazardous (you can get salmonella from the poop dust...yuck!) ...so even I, "invincible me", use a respirator mask. I also wore gloves today since I managed to slice my hand on the tub drain on Wednesday and I didn't want to take any chances... smh...sometimes bad luck is the only luck I have, but still I push on...

Now, I have been posting about my compost pile and it is doing very well, but to continue doing good it needs to be turned...

I have closed off the bin on the left and as I cleaned out the chicken coop I turned the middle bin into the waste I collected from the coop into the bin on the left.

I took seven full wheel barrels out of the coop...and chased the mice out again too... I am really surprised that the mice have survived after seeing the ducks and chickens fighting over a mole yesterday, but still they manage...

Then I added new straw on the floor and in all of the nesting boxes...and the birds helped me spread out the stuff on the floor...

The chickens that were nesting when I added hay to the boxes were not impressed...two of them grudgingly moved out of my way, but "Broody" was not so easily persuaded to leave her eggs...she did get off her nest at one point and I saw five or seven eggs...I can't remember right now...If they are fertile eggs they should hatch about the time Mom gets home or maybe just before... I think her Homestead is going to be in full swing by then and she is going to really be able to enjoy it finally!

By the time I finished cleaning the coop I had filled the first compost bin as full as I possibly could and still had leftovers...since my back was starting to hurt and I had other more pressing chores to get done, I set up the third bin and put the last load from the chicken coop in there until I can get back out to finish turning the compost I have in the middle bin.
This week has been a full one and I got a lot of work done, but we also got some time to have fun... Now it is time to rest for a few before tomorrow's adventure! Til next time!
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