
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Monday, February 11, 2013

To share or not to share ?

Sometimes I feel conflicted about the things I can and can't post on my blog for fear of being unfairly judged or ridiculed for putting too much information out there.  Some people tell me to be myself  and just tell things like they are. ((If I am stressed out, at my wits end or proud to the gills)) Whereas, some people tell me to be uber careful, because employers, banks, etc.  are looking at blogs and social profile information to help them decide if we are an appropriate fit for them.   This brings me back to a conversation that I find myself and J having over and over about people being too sensitive these days.  If someone wants to judge me I can't stop them, and it happens everyday, I know it does.  I also know that if I am not offered a job or membership to an organization because of the personal infomation I share, I don't want to be there anyways.  I would rather be around people that like me and respect me for who I am and not who they think I might be. 
With that being said, IMO I don't think that a person dealing with a difficult child, a parent that is getting little sleep or a person trying to seek suggestions for raising their children should be judged as anything other than a parent.  I have met a lot of children in my life and very few of them have even been close to the little angel their parents would like them to be, my children are no different.  Our struggles may not be the exact same as other families, but they are typical struggles that I think many families face on a daily basis and sometimes just writing about them helps me to be able to feel less weighed down by it all.
I went to the child study meeting on Thursday to see what kinds of things may be going on at school that need to be taken care of.  Aiden is a good kid that makes bad choices, and is good at getting caught.   The teacher fears that Aiden may be ADHD and she has also noticed some motor skills she would like to work on.  I contacted our pediatrician and he is sending some paperwork to me that can be used to assess him and see if there is a diagnosis to be made.  Meanwhile, the teacher has also expressed great concern about Aiden using a "palmer" grasp when writing and being very resistant to changing that behavior.  She mentioned using a broken crayon to fix the behavior and my sister agreed that ths method is very effective.  So, I tried it at home and gave Aiden a regular size crayon and told him he needed to hold it correctly, with two fingers and his thumb, he refused so I gave him a broken crayon. Now Aiden is stubborn and the first broken crayon was still long enough to hold in his fist, so I took that one away and gave him one that was about an inch long instead and since he couldn't put it in his fist he wrote with it the correct way.  When he asked for the long crayon back, I told him he could have it if he would hold it right. And guess what? He held the crayon the way he was supposed to.  Seeing this progress I am sending a note back to school with Aiden asking the teacher to continue this practice at school and we will wait on the paperwork from the Dr. to see if there is anything we need to take care of on that front.
The girls have gotten very talkative very quickly.  They will talk in sentences and ask questions and babble to each other in what I assume other people have coined "Twinspeak."  They are to the point that they no longer like to wear a dirty or wet diaper at all and since they are removable they do so.  Unfortunately, they don't really seem to get the concept of the potty, they do like that they get to be at least half naked when they are sitting on it though, so staying put is not the big issue, they just don't seem concerned about where they "go."  So I report with great sadness that this will not be easy either, but we are more stubborn than our children and we will win this battle.  ((Now I just need to learn how to potty train girls)) ;)
I am excited to be able to say that J is finally close enough to the end of his college experience that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  After this semester he will only have a few classes to take to get his degree.  So far he has made the Presidents List multiple times and this semester seems to have classes that interest him again so he is happier when he talks about and goes to school again.  I don't think most people realize how hard this has been on us financially, but more importantly how selfish J feels for taking the time to better himself so that he can better provide for his family while we struggle and it seems rare that anyone tells him how proud they are or even just asks how it is going.  I think it is sad that people are quick to judge and find fault in others, but they rarely take the time to tell others how proud they are of them.  I am very proud that J has gone back to school, his reasons for going back and even more proud of the grades he is earning and the effort he is putting into learning as much as he can.   I have seen J work in several fields and he has never liked a job more than the one he had at Nuvotronics, in Radford VA.  When he lost that job due to a failing economy he looked and looked for a job that was anywhere close and every direction he turned lead him to a job needing a college degree. 
We have finally gotten the floor, walls, doors and frame for the roof put together for Mom's new chicken coop.  Now we just have to get the truck back with the nails for putting on the roof, build some nesting boxes and install some roosts.  Next in line is the new rabbits Mom and William went to get today.  We are going to need to build some new rabbit houses or put an addition onto Harveys to make room for some new bunnies.   I can't remember what kind of rabbits these are, but they are so pretty, extremely soft and are even registered. 
It seems like we always have a lot going on, but I wouldn't have it any other way.   I to say we do appreciate the advice and guidance and help that we have received along the way.  Sometimes we choose to step outside of the box and choose to do what we want to do instead of what others recommend,  but we will never dismiss any ideas and suggestions i get along the way. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

here's the rest of my pictures from the flood :)

So this is the best picture from the flood ever!!! When the water table rose the fireplace sprung a leak and peed all over the floor. This water combined with the animal hair that was on the floor caused a back-up of 1-2 inches of water to clean up and mostly empty boxes to throw away.
Unfortunatley he flood happened right after bulk day ran for trash, so now we are resorting to borrowing the neighbors can that is out of town for the second week in a row.
 It was really amazing to see the water rise as high as it did....
 ...and amazing that i made it through this big puddle that took over our road...
...I was disappointed that the flood occured overnight and most of the pictures I was able to get were after the water level peaked....
 ...but I hope you still enjoy my collection...
 ...and please wish me luck as I continue to work on potty training the girls...
 I think tomorrow we will try with two potties and see if things go better....
 Izzy did make it on the potty to pee once today and Emma made it beside the potty when she went so i am hopeful that this is going to be easier than it was with Aiden!!!
Yay for the day we don't have to buy diapers anymore!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

What kinda weather is this!?!

Ok I am slightly irritated that I cannot get my pics to post right from my tablet, but aside from that I am pushing on.  I was super tired wfter getting up with the kids at 7 and J let me sleep a little later than I should have and we ended up being late to my nephew's 4th birthday. ((Glad I was the only one early or even on time, other than grandparents of course, last year and this year the whole family made it...plus we were only 15-20 mins late))

The kids had a great time and even though Aiden pushed things to the limit, he was at least able to stay out of serious trouble.  The McDonald's at King St. and Orange Ave has an awesome slide and play are for kids that are almost any age.  The girls had a blast and I would definitely take them bwck there.  I was surprised at how agile the girls were as well.  They mostly stayed on the toddler slide, but I did see Emma climb up 3 levels/steps and come down a slide on her own....Other than a couple of incidents with Aiden and Isabella pouring chocolate milk all over her and Grsndma the kids had a blast.  Twhans for having us Larry, Lisa D and Logan :).

Over the past week or so we have been through so much, Aiden has missed school for our "Flood drill" Wednesday night, Friday school was closed due to ice on the roads and Monday is a teacher work day.  Of course tonight it snowed again and I am just hoping he goes back to school on Tuesday as scheduled at this point.  Aiden is good academically, but socially he seems to be struggling.  He does have friends, but he is fantastic at getting caught misbehaving and he is fairly impulsive. I will be going to a child study meeting on Thursday to get some suggestions on how to be a better parent so that my babies can prosper and live happy full lives.  My sister also suggested EAP.  I have never taken advantage of their services, but at this point I feel like I could do better by my kids and I am not too proud to see what kind of help is out there.

Our flood drill was due to the rising waters of the Roanoke River.  As many of you know, the Roanoke River runs right through our backyard.  We started watching the water rise through the evening on Wednesday and around 10 pm we decided to have Mom come over and evacuate the kids while J and I finished getting things out of the floor in the basement.  Now, I have lived near the Roanoke River almost my whole life.  J on the other hand is not as familiar with rising waters and became a little more frantic.  After we had things cleaned up we noticed that the rain had let up, so we took a break and watched some "Moonshiners"  on the DVR and has the season finale ended, I had a feeling if we didn't leave we wouldn't get to for awhile.  So, we loaded ourselves into the car and truck and took off to meet back up with Mom and the kids.  J didn't have any trouble, but I am very surprised my car made it through the puddle/washed out road that it did.  From the way it felt the water was up to the bottom of my doors, but slow and steady got me through to the other side.  ((It is prolly a good thing J was following me, I have seen him flood the truck going through a puddle ;) LoL))

Since Mom lives on the mountain by South Salem and the water was so high before I was finally willing to jump ship, we had to drive across town to the bridge on Eddy Ave to get up the mountain.  I am not sure if the water crested the bridged, but that is the highest I have ever seen it and I wasn't able  to get pictures of it until we were on the home the next day.  I remember going to the bottom of the hill (Mill Ln and River Road in Salem) with my Daddy every time there was a major storm to check the water level and we would drive around to assess the damage around town. I was disappointed to not get to see that intersection this time around, but it was at least 2am before the kids got back to sleep.  We decided to keep Aiden home from preschool for the day  so he could go back on a full nights sleep.  To our dismay and confusion the schools were closed the next day for non-existant snow, even though they were open the day before when our bus driver could not even get to our house due to flood waters  and it was open on Thursday.   SMH.  I did get to see "our bridge" on the news the next night, and I have to say "WoW!"  as many times as we went to check out the river I don't think the water has been that high since the big flood of 85.

I have more, but for now, here is a peek back into what has been going on with us... I will do my best to make time to fill y'all in on more as I have more time, but til then have a great one :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

More to come....

I have been working hard on my next post, but I haven't quite polished it off. So keep tuned and I will do my best to have it done tomorrow. :)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wow oh wow oh wow

Ok guys sorry I have been being a slacker lately and have not been sharing like I should have been, but chaos turned into something bigger and even worse.... LoL... for awhile we have been going back to the old saying "if we didn't have bad luck we wouldn't have any" but honestly there is always a silver lining if you look hard enough you can always find it.  With that being said I am tired after work tonight and trying to finish putting the house back together after our latest fiasco and picture uploads are going slow, so I will make sure all my pictures are in place for a great story to share tomorrow, so stay tuned, this is gonna get great ;)