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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

here's the rest of my pictures from the flood :)

So this is the best picture from the flood ever!!! When the water table rose the fireplace sprung a leak and peed all over the floor. This water combined with the animal hair that was on the floor caused a back-up of 1-2 inches of water to clean up and mostly empty boxes to throw away.
Unfortunatley he flood happened right after bulk day ran for trash, so now we are resorting to borrowing the neighbors can that is out of town for the second week in a row.
 It was really amazing to see the water rise as high as it did....
 ...and amazing that i made it through this big puddle that took over our road...
...I was disappointed that the flood occured overnight and most of the pictures I was able to get were after the water level peaked....
 ...but I hope you still enjoy my collection...
 ...and please wish me luck as I continue to work on potty training the girls...
 I think tomorrow we will try with two potties and see if things go better....
 Izzy did make it on the potty to pee once today and Emma made it beside the potty when she went so i am hopeful that this is going to be easier than it was with Aiden!!!
Yay for the day we don't have to buy diapers anymore!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that it is easier to potty train girls so good luck :) Peyton is done which is why we are not having another....lol
