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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Proud Momma Here!

I am super excited to announce that Aiden has been selected to participate in the City Park Book Club for 2014-2015.   At the beginning of the school year each student is given a STAR screener ( a universal test to determine their academic standing.) Then the school selects 10 first grade and 10 second grade students from the school to participate in the book club, based on their STAR results.

I am so super proud of Aiden and I really hope he enjoys this experience.  The Book Club is going to be working in groups to create either a fiction or non-fiction book with text and illustrations for submission to the Scholastic Kids are Authors competition in March of 2015.  This is a national competition hosted by Scholastic and the winning books are featured at the Scholastic book fairs and awards are given to the group and the school.  In addition students will create and publish an individual book for the Young Author’s Conference in February 2015.  Then they are going to round out the year by having students create and publish their very own e-book or professionally bound book.  The students in the Book Club will be collaborating with one another along with extending and accelerating their reading and writing skills throughout the year.

At first when I told Aiden that he was going to get to be in the Book Club his response was “I hate reading!”  But, once I read the letter that was sent home to him, his excitement blossomed and he truly looked happy and honored to be a part of this special group.  Even though Aiden says he hates reading, one of his favorite “specials” at school is library day and right now his favorite books are the ones in the Black Lagoon series by Mike Thaler.  I can’t wait to see the books he works on and hear his feedback once they get started.

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