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Monday, August 25, 2014

We moved!!!

As many of you already know, my family and I have recently moved to Tennessee.  We had been renting a home from my Mom, but she was ready to consolidate some of her assets and as you can imagine it's nearly impossible to keep a house "show ready" with my family living there, so we knew we had to move so that she could sell the house. "Where to go?" was the next choice that needed to be made.  My husband had graduated from college after 3 long years and was more than ready to go to work, but he didn't like the options in our hometown.  So we decided to start a new adventure and a new chapter by moving away from the security of our family and hometown area and try out something new.
 We looked into Colorado, North Carolina and Tennessee, but ultimately we decided that we wanted to give TN a try, so we packed up the house and set-out to find a new home.  Now ideally, we would have found new employment and a new house before moving, but we have always seemed to take the road less traveled and we chose to wing it instead.
 With our three kids in tow, we set-off for my best friends house to set-up camp.  For 5 days we stayed in tents in her back yard while we tirelessly searched for a new home to put our things in (with a 26' truck packed to the gills we really did not want to put it in storage even for a short time and then have to move it again).  It was really challenging to find someone to rent to us with no income source, but finally we found just that person and were able to move into our new house.

We have been in Athens, TN for a little over two months now and I have lots of stories to share, but for now it's time to head out to E.G. Fisher Library for "Tunes for Tots" with the girls.  I can't wait to fill you all in on our trials and tribulations through this adventure and share with you all the awesome "Free and Cheap" things around our new home.

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