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Friday, October 3, 2014

I'm so proud of my hubby!

My husband went to college for 3 long years and it took him a little while to get the job he had worked so hard for, but he finally did it. 

About 4 months ago, we decided to make a big move and move to a whole new state to pursue better job opportunities.   When we first moved to TN, Josh put out so many resumes, filled out sooo many applications and eventually humbled himself to take a temp job, that he was so over qualified for that it wasn't even funny, just to help us get by.

He worked as a temp on 1st shift for exactly 30 days.  Every day he went to work and asked what he needed to do to get hired on and he worked his tail off.  In the end it paid off and he was offered a permanent position.  He is one of the newest 2nd shift technicians at Denso and he gets to go to work everyday and troubleshoot errors on some of the most advanced machines and robots.  He is loving his job and I love seeing him so excited to use that college education he worked so hard for.

The video below is one of a few that you can find on YouTube that gives a little peek into the types of machines Josh gets to work with now.  The technology is amazing to me and I am so excited that he has gotten this opportunity.  

It has been a little hard for me to get used to all the changes that we have gone through in the past few months, but I am really excited about this chapter of our life.  I am really enjoying being a Den Leader for our son's Cub Scout Den, getting to take the kids to the park, watching them play in the leaves and just having more time to be a Mom.  The kids and I are even going to a Family Scout camp-out next weekend.  Even though I do wish Josh could go camping with us, I really think he is going to enjoy getting to sleep in and just some peace and quiet. (Our kids never stop talking)

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