
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Aiden's 3rd grade music program #AES

Thursday night we went to Auburn Elementary for the PTA music program.  They had the 3rd and 4th grade students perform a set of 6 songs together and they did great!  I am so proud of Aiden for being able to stand so still, keeping his hands and feet to himself during the performance.  (Though he did say he kept saying "banana" to the girl beside him by the end....lol)  Below are videos of the 6 songs... Aiden is on the top riser at the end on the right.... I hope you enjoy!
Big Wide Wonderful World
Come to Egypt
Kahleemehrahi Greece
Three Little Birds
Uma Familia
Take Time in Life
*Fifty Nifty United States
*my favorite of the show....I learned this song when I was Aiden's age over 25 years ago!

I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Grin and Bear It #CubScoutsRule #BearAdventures

Over the past month our Bear Den has been working on their "Bear Claws" belt loop and "Grin and Bear It"!  We still have a little work to do to on "Bear Claws", but we did complete "Grin and Bear It" and they should receive their first Adventure belt loop of the year at the November Pack meeting!!!

WTG Bears of Pack 348!!!

The leaders rallied together and got some great supplies for the boys to choose from.  This belt loop took 2 den meetings and a Pack meeting for us.  The first meeting was the Den meeting to plan and prepare for the carnival.  The Pack meeting came next, where we actually held our carnival.  The last meeting we had some fun and played some challenging games, then we talked about the carnival, made some awards and presented them to our "Carnival Superstars"!

We collected a toilet seat, a box from a toilet, rolls of toilet paper, several big boxes, all sorts of balls, markers, tape, stickers, glue, an old Nerf game net, poster board, scissors and their ideas!  We had 8 great games and had a really fun carnival!
The boys said that they liked the games, prizes and snacks.  We had a mixture of candy and trinkets for prizes and the boys said they would have preferred more candy...lol. I was able to give several of them a break, but some of them did not get to play very many games.  They would have liked an adult to step in for them as well so they could have more fun.  Overall the carnival was a success and the boys were all happy to have gotten to work with their parent to accomplish it all!
Aiden helped me put together "Carnival Award Packs" before the following den meeting. I used a keyhole drill bit and a small hammer to punch holes in the back of a solid mason jar lid.  Then I cut circles the size of the inside and had Aiden cut the yarn and then stuff the bags with one of each for each Scout.

At the beginning of the meeting we played a name game to get the boys more familiar with each others names, we tried to "group stand-up" game (not very many were successful at that game), and the "line up" game.  

Then we settled down to talk about how our carnival what went well and what they would have done different.  The talk didn't last long, but we covered the gist of things and were able to move on to something more fun and creative.  Aiden made me a "Carnival Wonder Woman" award and presented it to me for helping him with his game and for giving him a break to play at the carnival! I was very honored and have it tucked away in my jewelry box!
Our next Den meeting is still 10 days away, but I am hoping that we can complete the "Bear Claws" belt loop next and be able to receive it and their Whittling Chip cards in November too!  The requirement involves the boys using actual pocketknives and carving wood.  Finding a project for 8-9 year old boys has been a challenge, but I think I found the perfect kits!  They should be arriving tomorrow or Monday and I can't wait to check them out!

Stay tuned for more updates on our Scouting adventures! 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Rest in Peace my sweet baby! #TigerButt #ILoveMyCat #It'sBeenAHeartbreakingDay

Today has been the toughest day I have had to endure, but I had to be an adult and make a tough decision.  Our cat of 16 years had been going downhill for awhile now and it was time to let him go so he didn't have to hurt anymore. 

I have had Tiger Butt since the day he was born, Hell...I was even there to watch it.  I was there for him when he got sick at 6 weeks old and had to have chilled IV fluids to get his temperature down and when an old neighborhood kid decided to shoot at him with a BB gun.  He was my fur baby from day one, but he had gotten old and sick and miserable.

That's the part that was the hardest.  Knowing that my baby was starving to death and as much as I chopped his food down he still had trouble eating.  We had to start wiping his face anytime he drank to control the drool.  After a lot of research we came to the conclusion that euthanasia was the most humane thing we could do for him.  He was starving to death and having trouble getting around.  Then he developed a growth on the side of his neck and stopped being able to jump up on our bed.  
After today I have decided there is no good way to die.  It hurt so much to  see the light go out of his eyes after the tranquilizer shot took effect.  He was still breathing, but he just wasn't there.  Tiger Butt was born in the summer of 2000 and he held strong til the Fall of 2016.

We took him out to Mom's and buried him beside Pretty Boy.  Aiden and I went to the gully and found him a nice quartz rock, thankfully it was lighter that the ducks was, and we even found some flowers to adorn his grave.  We lost an awesome cat... friend... confidant... companion... family member today.  Rest in peace Tiger Butt.  You'll always have a place in our hearts!