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Friday, November 4, 2016

Rest in Peace my sweet baby! #TigerButt #ILoveMyCat #It'sBeenAHeartbreakingDay

Today has been the toughest day I have had to endure, but I had to be an adult and make a tough decision.  Our cat of 16 years had been going downhill for awhile now and it was time to let him go so he didn't have to hurt anymore. 

I have had Tiger Butt since the day he was born, Hell...I was even there to watch it.  I was there for him when he got sick at 6 weeks old and had to have chilled IV fluids to get his temperature down and when an old neighborhood kid decided to shoot at him with a BB gun.  He was my fur baby from day one, but he had gotten old and sick and miserable.

That's the part that was the hardest.  Knowing that my baby was starving to death and as much as I chopped his food down he still had trouble eating.  We had to start wiping his face anytime he drank to control the drool.  After a lot of research we came to the conclusion that euthanasia was the most humane thing we could do for him.  He was starving to death and having trouble getting around.  Then he developed a growth on the side of his neck and stopped being able to jump up on our bed.  
After today I have decided there is no good way to die.  It hurt so much to  see the light go out of his eyes after the tranquilizer shot took effect.  He was still breathing, but he just wasn't there.  Tiger Butt was born in the summer of 2000 and he held strong til the Fall of 2016.

We took him out to Mom's and buried him beside Pretty Boy.  Aiden and I went to the gully and found him a nice quartz rock, thankfully it was lighter that the ducks was, and we even found some flowers to adorn his grave.  We lost an awesome cat... friend... confidant... companion... family member today.  Rest in peace Tiger Butt.  You'll always have a place in our hearts! 

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