Our Arbor Day tree planting was a success!

We found a place for all 20 trees around the property and Aiden has been out to water them already today. (Even though it is a rainy day it's just been a drizzle and we want to make sure they don't dry out! Plus he's grounded and this is a way to earn point to get out of being grounded...hehe)

We have a small troop, but we still managed to have every Cub Scout Rank from our young Tiger...

...up to the Webelos participating in our conservation project...We even had help from the Assistant District Commisioner...some of the parents...

...and me, the Wolf Den Leader...even with a mad ITB (some tendon in my leg)... I still got out there and dug holes, pounded stakes, and tied protective pipes around the saplings...I did leave the watering to the boys, but they were having fun with it!

Shhhhhhh...don't tell my brother I got a picture of him helping... I was threatened with the hose when I put up my camera...hehehe...but I managed a picture without getting wet....hehehe...

I was very impressed with how well the boys stayed on task and how much they enjoyed this project! I am going to do my best to keep these trees growing and I will do my best to document their growth and share pictures as I have them! If anyone would like to share their own pictures of Arbor Day fun I would love to display your projects too! Just send them to me at MyCreativeFamilyFun@yahoo.com!