It's been an eventful day already...The hubby has been given the opportunity to work at a different location for the next eight Manchester, he started getting his itinerary information and it looks like he will be flying out early this Sunday and back on Thursday night...He is going to become a J-standard certified solderer and will have the opportunity to learn even more about the companies product line and how it all fits together electronically.

I am still sick and hacking up all sorts of lovely goo...but I must press on...I got up and got the kids ready for school...Mom was nice and took them for me and I napped until about 9:30, but like I said I must press on...there is lots to do... So I got up and watered the Quail, Rabbits, Ducks, Chickens, Chicks and various gardens the midst of which I got a visit from the local Sheriff asking about a loose German Sheppard that was bothering the neighbors, a call from the Market Place Appeals center letting me know that they can't fix their clerical error and now I have to have a hearing with a Federal Officer, and I found a baby chick that had gotten squished by a fallen crate...Of course it had to be one of Aiden's black chicks and I so don't look forward to having to tell him. He has had so much heartbreak and loss lately and for an eight year old I'm surprised he holds it together as well as he does some days.
OK rant over... Next comes a nice lunch of corned beef hash fried with two duck eggs and served with water! The water actually did help get me feeling a little better and this afternoon I finally got something done!

It took three more wheel barrels full of manure to finish filling the tomato bed at the back of the garden...of course at the rate Mom's growing tomato plants we may need a whole other garden just for them...LoL...she got a little carried away when she started her seeds...I am glad to have that bed filled and ready for planting....

...and to see the whole garden coming together so nicely...I even got some hay put down in the last bed today and we can start loading it down with manure and getting it ready for planting next.

I even made a new strawberry cage today and gave our injured Quail a home with a solid bottom...She has one leg/foot that is swollen and she flops around to has been hard on her to eat and drink in her old cage so I finally got her and a friend set-up in a new cage where hopefully she can get better.
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