Today I took on the project of putting chicken wire around the bottom of the chicken coop. This should prevent the ducks from going under the coop to nest, prevent the babies from going under the coop and it also provides some ventilation to make the floor last a little longer. The first thing I had to do was take all of the bricks and logs away from the edge of the coop and ho a ditch about 3 inches deep all the way around the coop.

Well I was going to prep all 3 sides and then come back to the chicken wire...but Lucky Duck kept sticking her head into and under the coop and I was afraid she was going to crawl under there and boycott...So as soon as I got this side prepped we started adding the wire. I tacked it down far enough that it goes 2-4 inches underground at the bottom to help make it as secure as possible and then I pushed dirt back over the bottom edge to hold it in place.

Lucky was not a happy duck when I was done and she figured out what I had done...but she was very happy while I was hoeing along the edge and revealing tons of worms...

This is a small walkway we have between the coop and the garden shed that is going to be turned into a nursery when the eggs hatch. I got the chicken wire on the coop side, but as you can see I still need to work on the other side. If you look all the way at the back you can see the blue barrel that Silver is nesting in. By my calculations she has had her nest for about a week now so I only have 3 weeks to finish this project to be ready for our newest arrivals!
After I finished the chicken coop project and a quick lunch I spent about an hour prepping for tomorrow nights scout meeting. Since the year is winding down, and we are getting close to our rank graduations, I decided that the next meeting would be a good meeting to offer "make up time". So tomorrow we will have a meeting where the boys can work on things they have missed throughout the year and get some more belt loops finished up. I still have to gather my supplies tomorrow, but otherwise I think I am ready for our next meeting!
I had to run a couple of errands after I picked the kids up from school, but I still had time to mow after I got dinner done! The weather may not be acting exactly like spring, but the grass is sure that Spring has Sprung and ours is growing like crazy. I love mowing, so I took the opportunity as soon as I saw it and away I went on the lawn tractor. Now though it is time to relax and get some sleep before starting a new cake in the morning!
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