...OK...So I was wrong...this being sick stuff sucks...I laid around all day yesterday and tried to get well...It seemed like I slept all day...that didn't seem to help much, but it was enough to get me on my feet...so today I took some vitamins and powered through...

We got another load of manure delivered...and this one is bigger than the last, but never fear...none of it will go to waste...

Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam is a big hit at market and for the past couple of years Mom has had to buy most of her rhubarb...This year we are trying to change that and grow some of our own...She has been very successful in the past and I have faith that these will turn into lovely plants as well...today we got three rhubarb plants started... we put down black garden fabric to help reduce the weeds that will come up around them...surrounded the beds with two layers of bricks...cut a small hole to plant each tubular root and then covered the area in hay and manure for extra nutrients...

I am a "mean" Mommy right now...the kids couldn't listen and read books while their Grandma and I put the birds to bed for the night on Monday...so I told them they were grounded until they put new mulch in the orchard...

...they have made it to tree three of six...they are almost halfway done...I figure they will be done by the end of the week...I hope they are anyways...I'd like to mark that project off the list...LoL...

...the chicks are enjoying their outdoor domain and I had a time and a half getting them to go to bed by myself tonight...I sent everyone else off to church while I stayed home and kept my germs to myself...So far my temp has been hovering right around 99.9 so nothing to be too concerned about, but it has slowed me down a lot coupled with this nasty congested cough that I have...

...Em really wanted her hair straightened again...Aiden insisted in being in the pics...too bad the ones with rabbit ears didn't turn out good...Everyone wants Em's curls back so badly every time we straighten them away...but she really loves it and I think she looks so cute both ways so I don't mind appeasing her occasionally. For tonight...my head is starting to hurt again, but I will rest easy having shared my story...goodnight all!
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