I spent several hours yesterday picking lilac flowers off the branches for more lilac jelly. It's very yummy and reminds me of Strawberry. Interestingly enough it started out pink when it was first made and it has changed to a golden color...I guess that's supposed to happen since all of the recipes showed a golden jelly when it was done instead of pink or purple. Now I am very curious to see what adding lilacs to violets will do to the color...

One small cooler of picked flowers ended up being about 5 cups of packed flowers. This is enough for us to make two more batches of Lilac Jelly and experiment with the Floral Blend (this time it is Lilac and Violet).

After the flowers are processed they have to steep overnight or up to 24 hours, and then we get to let all the juice drip out for jelly making. That is where we are at in the process at the moment. With the strawberries we got today and the flowers that are ready to be made into jelly Mom is going to be busy making jelly before and after her doctor's appt. tomorrow.

This bad boy is for Scout Sunday at BUMC this weekend and I am thankful that God gave me the patience to try again when my first batch of icing failed and the girls had me at my wits end from running circles around me while I tried to decorate cake. After making my second batch of icing I was at least able to get the top and sides of the cake done, then I had to make another batch of icing for the borders.

Once I got the main part of the cake done I started working with some fondant to make the embellishments for this cake. The Girl Scout logo is pretty tricky, but I did my best and I think it will look good when it is put on the cake. I also have lots of flower cookie cutters and made several flowers that I can use for accents as well.

The Girl Scouts were easier to figure out than the Boy/Cub Scouts. I got my Fleur de lis made without too much trouble, but what boy embellishments could I use? I had already made green flowers and blue leaves would look funny....I finally settled on stars for the boys and tomorrow when I finish the cake I will see how it all looks together. I have learned from many years of cake decorating that the best intentions don't always make the prettiest cakes...so I saved some of the green and blue fondant just in case I need to make some different options. I guess I have done as much as I can today and I will work on it again tomorrow!
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