I have been writing a lot about work lately, but I finally got a chance to take a break! Well sorta... I was hired to make the cake for the party, but the birthday girl is also my son's proclaimed girlfriend...lol he has loved this little girl since pre-k and I hope they always stay friends. The party was at the Green Ridge Recreation Center and it was really great to get out and let the kids have some fun.

They are finally getting big enough that we can let them play in the pool and feel confident the lifeguards will keep them safe. So after about an hour in the party room we let the kids swim for an hour and then we packed up and took the kids back to their Aunt and Uncle. The kids had a blast and hopefully they will sleep good tonight and be good at church tomorrow!

After resuming our anniversary weekend we went out to visit a couple of sets of friends and enjoyed a bon fire before coming home to get ready for bed.

I am excited to have another night to sleep beside my husband and wake up beside him in the morning! ((It's something I hope to never take for granted.)) His love and his embrace make my heart happy. His presence makes me feel comfortable and safe. I love him and cherish all of the time we spend together. Tomorrow I will go back and get our kids and take them home to my Moms and we will get ready for another week there. ((So far I know I will be moving cement blocks, cleaning out a chicken coop, finishing an outdoor home for the chicks we bought Mar. 7th, and moving manure to our garden beds...I'm sure there's more to do though...lol)) My hubby will return home from town to his apartment and get ready for his week as well. That's our typical Sunday routine anymore...Though this week may be our last normal week for a couple of months again as some of the employees from my husband's company may be traveling to New Hampshire and filling in at another location starting April 24th, during the week, through June 10th. All of the details are still being ironed out, but we are hoping that he will get to come home on the weekends or at least most weekends during that time. It's a very exciting opportunity that could help him become a J-standard certified solderer and further his career in electronics. I am looking forward to getting in touch with a couple of more people that were interested in cakes this week and if I am lucky I will be quoting 3 more cakes in the next few days! There are some exciting things on the horizon for my family and I am looking forward to sharing our journey as we continue to follow our dreams!!!
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