All last week my husband was complaining of a runny nose and cough and low and behold...spend one weekend with the guy and he shared...Thanks hun!'s all good though, cause I try not to let the little things slow me down...I started my morning with 1 1/2 hours of cleaning a bathroom from top to bottom (except mopping the floor) and taking an inventory of things to be taken care of to fix up the apartment I have been working on.

Then Mom and I made another trip to my brother's house to pick up 15 more cement blocks for the garden. This load finished up the bottom row of cement blocks for the garden bed all the way to the left and 16 more will finish up the second row....Decisions..decisions...decisions... 2 more loads so it goes high enough around the straw bales? or 4 more loads so that we can go 3 high all the way around... Those blocks are getting really heavy, but I would love to make this garden bed 3 blocks high...hmmm... I will have to marinate on that one...

My other big project for the day was to make an outdoor area for our youngest chicks...Usually chicks wouldn't go outside until they were 8 weeks old, but since our weather has taken a turn towards we went ahead and set-up an outdoor pen for them with access to a small area of the hen house to lock them up at night. The warmth from the big birds plus it not going below 52 degrees Fahrenheit for the next week will keep the babies warm enough at night and they have a nice big area to run around and play in, plus better food and water dispensers.

The chicks really like the small space between the buildings and one even went to visit Silver and her nest.

Big Boy's hens usually lay their eggs in a nesting can beside Silver and her nest...and I hoped they wouldn't mind me changing that up on them today, but instead they hopped my little fence and came right over to visit. They were nice to the chicks and did not bother them, which was our main concern...but we are still going to leave the fence in place for a little while to protect them from Big Boy, the rooster. That and the main fence won't hold babies without adding chicken wire and I haven't done that yet.
We are going to try to duplicate our schedule from yesterday tomorrow, except for running to town. Hopefully tomorrow we can start filling the last bed with dirt and get a few more plants in!
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