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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Online Money Makers

All of us have seen the advertisements for getting paid to take surveys. The real question is “Is it worth it?” I can remember filling out survey after survey when I was a tween just hoping to qualify to take a survey. At that time I tried really hard and couldn’t make any money at it.  Now that I am older it is a different situation though.
I decided to start with www.Swagbucks.com, on March 17, 2011 , when I got back into online surveys this time. It didn’t take long and I had earned my first 450 points and exchanged it for my first $5 Amazon gift card.  At Swagbucks.com I can also earn points by completing a variety of other activities like using coupons, searching the web, watching videos, and taking daily polls. I am addicted! I have an additional 933 Swagbucks and I can’t decide if I want more Amazon.com $$ or one of their other fabulous prizes.
Once I saw success at Swagbucks.com I decided to spread my wings and try a few other sites.  The next one I was introduced to was CrowdTap.com. I completed a lot of “quick hits” and have gotten to apply for two Old Navy product review opportunities (I didn’t get the first one, still waiting to hear back on the second), and I have been invited to a discussion to review a website (still waiting to hear back on that application too). I have only been a member of this site since July 9, 2011 and have made it to Bronze level by doing no more than answering polls and watching a few videos. You can earn money by getting other people to review the Bing videos that have been submitted, but I haven’t been successful at getting others to review it yetL.

After trying out Swagbucks.com and CrowdTap.com for a while I had gotten myself established in my memberships and I branched out again. This time I got accepted to www.jdpowerpanel.com, https://www.globalopinionpanels.com/myhome, and https://www.globaltestmarket.com/help.php#5j. At each of these websites they accept a certain number of panelists and reward you with  a cash value reward or point value reward and sometimes sweepstakes entries.  When you first get started there are profile surveys that usually earn you some loot. Then you start by applying for the available surveys that you may be eligible to complete.  Each website has a minimum “cash out level”, I am in the process of researching each website to see how long and how much effort it takes to reach that level now. -------   I will go into more detail about each of these sites in a later post, but for now I will tell you that each of these sites seem promising. I have been “screened out” of several surveys, but I have also qualified for quite a few and the rewards have seemed “worth it” to me.  With every new adventure I embark upon I encourage you to do the same. Try new things and enjoy your life to the best of your ability, doing everything in your power to prosper while doing things you enjoy. (If you couldn’t tell already I LOVE to share my opinion J)
As always thanks for reading my newest post and don’t forget to share it with all of your friends!  ---- LKM

Friday, August 5, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 4 - Expired Coupons and Extras

What do you do when you have enough of an item for you and your family and you run across a deal to get it for free or when you find yourself with expired coupons?

Many people don't realize that the Military families stationed at our overseas bases can use expired coupons for up to 6 mos. past their expiration dates at the commisaries on base.  You can sponsor the base of your choosing, or you can send your coupons to other people that collect them to be sent off in a mass mailing. You can also create care packages with your overflow merchandise to send to our troops or donate them to a local shelter.

For more information on donating your expired coupons please visit GrocerySavingTips.com by clicking on the link below :


For more information on donating your extra freebies to our troops click one of the links below for lots of very different options:

http://anysoldier.com/ -- This one includes a touching story - I like their morals and giving spirit!
http://soldiersangels.org/index.php?page=donating-items -- This one has a very long list of items accepted - with the new flat rate shipping boxes you could potentially send a lot of items for just a little.

Search & Win
I found these 3 links using Swagbucks.com


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 3 - Understanding th "coupon game"

If you plan to start a stockpile similar to mine it is important to understand the "Couponing Game".

I have yet to build my couponing binder, but I have a good start so far at keeping myself organized with the supplies that I have.  Currently I have a small accordian folder and 4 envelopes of coupons that will not fit.  I also have a neat 8x11.5 folder that has a full size folder section and a smaller envelope on each page for the coupons that match that section. I have labeled the first 4 pages with the stores I shop at most frequently.  

Each week I clip my new coupons and sort them into my accordian folder and envelopes (removing all expired coupons). Then I start looking at the sale ads... Even though I normally only shop at Walmart, Kroger and Walgreens, I still keep the ads that have good prices at other stores for price matching at Walmart. After making a list of the best deals at each store and put those lists into the pouch for that store in my big folder. Then when I am shopping I pull the coupons for that trip out of the small accordian folder and put them in the pocket to be easliy accessed when checking out (and to make sure I don't lose any while shopping) or I will pull all the coupons that I think I am going to use and put them in the big folder and take a pit-stop before going to the register to pull out any unused coupons. (I still haven't decided which method works better for me)

My strategy involves getting freebies at Walgreen's by stacking --- using more than one coupon on an item,  RR (register rewards), MC (manufacturer coupons), SC (store coupons) and/or IVC (instant value coupons) with the current weeks sales.  At Kroger I pay close attention to their sales and try to pair them with a MC and/or a SC for an even better value or freebie  -- though I have heard that Kroger is no longer allowing stacking. **I also try to take all of my couons for $.50 or less to Kroger since they will give you a bonus coupon equal to your MC if the original coupon was -$.50 or less. Then of course there is Walmart, I have found that couponing at Walmart isn't as lucrative as they do not offer any SC, IVC, or RR. When I do use coupons at Walmart I go for the everyday low price items and trial sized items for good deals.

***I do occasionally shop Target deals as well and with their "earn a gift card" deals and CVS with their ECB (extra care bucks). You can score some pretty sweet deals ther too, they are just too far for me to go to regularly since I have 3 young children to keep up with.

At http://www.coupondivas.com/ there is an extensive list of coupon policies for different stores. It has been recommended to me by several people to print off that information and carry it with me when I am couponing.  I have yet to do this, but I have at least reviewed the information and I suggest that anyone that is new to couponing do the same. What is your strategy?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 2 - Why do it?

There are two main reasons to stockpile, to save money or to be prepared for an emergency...

...Some people will start a stockpile so that they do not have to shop as often and can concentrate on getting a good deal when going to the store instead of paying regular retail prices.  Others will start a stockpile to have an emergency supply of food and medical supplies if for whatever reason that was needed.  AND of couse there are those of us that are struggling to make it from week to week and are just looking for a good deal. I personally started my stockpile, because I love to get things for free or cheap and figured having a supply of normally used items on hand would be nice. So when I have a little extra cash on hand and I make the time and invest in the good deals that I find on everyday items.

Once you decide why you want to stockpile and how extensive you want it to be, it's time to get started. I stockpile based on sales and coupons I have. Over the course of the past few monthes I have been getting 2 Sunday papers each week and matching those coupons to the weekly ads for Kroger, Walmart and Walgreens.  Some of the deals I have found on my own and some I have found online. I have gotten some really good deals on lots of Shower, Dental, and Laundry supplies that I was able to add to my stockpile, while also stocking the firdge, freezer and pantry.  I don't count my food products in my stockpile where some do, really its just a personal preference. 

I have decided to only stock 2 years worth of some items such as shampoo, which does expire. Whereas things like toothbrushes I will stock for a lifetime supply. Using my coupons and matching the items to the sales has enabled me to get Toothbrushes for less than $.30 to FREE, Toothpaste for less than $.25 to FREE, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash for less than $2 to FREE as well.

I won't lie and tell you saving money is easy or that it doesn't take much time, but i really enjoy shopping and my hubby is much happier when I spend less and get more.

Why did you decide to start a stockpile? or not to?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 1 - Getting Organized

When you decide to start a stockpile there a lot of things to think about. How much of certain things could you possibly need? Once you have it where will you put it? Can you be determined enough to use everything before it expires? ---- These are just some of the questions that were running through my head (some because of the Hubby, of course).

So as my stockpile has started to grow I have been storing all my "extras" in one area of the house --- that way I will know if I am getting too much of one product. "What is too much?" you may ask (it was one of my questions)...It really that depends on the product. Something like toilet paper or paper towels won't go bad as quickly as alfredo sauce, whereas things like toohpaste and shampoo expire in aproximately 2 years. Once you know how long a product will last then you will need to determine how much you can use between now and when it expires (if it does) then you want to make sure you don't go over that limit, unless it is free and then donate it if you end up with too much.

Once you start collecting this information you will need somewhere to store it and I suggest a database for this endeavor. It is just as important to keep an inventory of your stockpile as it is to make sure it is evenly stocked.

Interesting Facts:
The Average person uses 20-40 rolls of TP a year in their home. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_toilet_paper_does_the_average_person_use_in_a_day _ and there are some comments indicating that they have used up to 10 year old TP without any issues of degradation.

Laundry Detergent: Calculate the number of loads you do a week first Then How many loads per month, per year, per how much you want on hand.  --- Purex wrote: our liquid detergents have a shelf life of three years. You can use the production code to determine when the product was made.The production code is generally stamped on the container. An example of a code would be: PP8A0610:30.
PP = Production facility
8 = Year of manufacture
A = Calendar month (A-January, B-February, C-March, D-April; E-May; F-June; G-July, H-August, K-September, L-October, M-November; N-December)
06 = Calendar day
10:30 = Time of day
Date of manufacture is January 6, 2008
Thank you again for contacting us.
Consumer Affairs  --- But other bloggers advise that they have used detergent that was up to 7 years old and just added a little water if it seemed too "thick".

How do you keep yourself organized? What Items do you plan to save and how much?