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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 2 - Why do it?

There are two main reasons to stockpile, to save money or to be prepared for an emergency...

...Some people will start a stockpile so that they do not have to shop as often and can concentrate on getting a good deal when going to the store instead of paying regular retail prices.  Others will start a stockpile to have an emergency supply of food and medical supplies if for whatever reason that was needed.  AND of couse there are those of us that are struggling to make it from week to week and are just looking for a good deal. I personally started my stockpile, because I love to get things for free or cheap and figured having a supply of normally used items on hand would be nice. So when I have a little extra cash on hand and I make the time and invest in the good deals that I find on everyday items.

Once you decide why you want to stockpile and how extensive you want it to be, it's time to get started. I stockpile based on sales and coupons I have. Over the course of the past few monthes I have been getting 2 Sunday papers each week and matching those coupons to the weekly ads for Kroger, Walmart and Walgreens.  Some of the deals I have found on my own and some I have found online. I have gotten some really good deals on lots of Shower, Dental, and Laundry supplies that I was able to add to my stockpile, while also stocking the firdge, freezer and pantry.  I don't count my food products in my stockpile where some do, really its just a personal preference. 

I have decided to only stock 2 years worth of some items such as shampoo, which does expire. Whereas things like toothbrushes I will stock for a lifetime supply. Using my coupons and matching the items to the sales has enabled me to get Toothbrushes for less than $.30 to FREE, Toothpaste for less than $.25 to FREE, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Body Wash for less than $2 to FREE as well.

I won't lie and tell you saving money is easy or that it doesn't take much time, but i really enjoy shopping and my hubby is much happier when I spend less and get more.

Why did you decide to start a stockpile? or not to?

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