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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Starting a Stockpile: Part 3 - Understanding th "coupon game"

If you plan to start a stockpile similar to mine it is important to understand the "Couponing Game".

I have yet to build my couponing binder, but I have a good start so far at keeping myself organized with the supplies that I have.  Currently I have a small accordian folder and 4 envelopes of coupons that will not fit.  I also have a neat 8x11.5 folder that has a full size folder section and a smaller envelope on each page for the coupons that match that section. I have labeled the first 4 pages with the stores I shop at most frequently.  

Each week I clip my new coupons and sort them into my accordian folder and envelopes (removing all expired coupons). Then I start looking at the sale ads... Even though I normally only shop at Walmart, Kroger and Walgreens, I still keep the ads that have good prices at other stores for price matching at Walmart. After making a list of the best deals at each store and put those lists into the pouch for that store in my big folder. Then when I am shopping I pull the coupons for that trip out of the small accordian folder and put them in the pocket to be easliy accessed when checking out (and to make sure I don't lose any while shopping) or I will pull all the coupons that I think I am going to use and put them in the big folder and take a pit-stop before going to the register to pull out any unused coupons. (I still haven't decided which method works better for me)

My strategy involves getting freebies at Walgreen's by stacking --- using more than one coupon on an item,  RR (register rewards), MC (manufacturer coupons), SC (store coupons) and/or IVC (instant value coupons) with the current weeks sales.  At Kroger I pay close attention to their sales and try to pair them with a MC and/or a SC for an even better value or freebie  -- though I have heard that Kroger is no longer allowing stacking. **I also try to take all of my couons for $.50 or less to Kroger since they will give you a bonus coupon equal to your MC if the original coupon was -$.50 or less. Then of course there is Walmart, I have found that couponing at Walmart isn't as lucrative as they do not offer any SC, IVC, or RR. When I do use coupons at Walmart I go for the everyday low price items and trial sized items for good deals.

***I do occasionally shop Target deals as well and with their "earn a gift card" deals and CVS with their ECB (extra care bucks). You can score some pretty sweet deals ther too, they are just too far for me to go to regularly since I have 3 young children to keep up with.

At http://www.coupondivas.com/ there is an extensive list of coupon policies for different stores. It has been recommended to me by several people to print off that information and carry it with me when I am couponing.  I have yet to do this, but I have at least reviewed the information and I suggest that anyone that is new to couponing do the same. What is your strategy?

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