Today was supposed to be errand day for Mom and I and we did make it through the Dollar Tree and Goodwill before being called back home for a delivery. While we were at the Dollar Tree we found the prettiest Butterfly flowers and a grave vase and we picked them up to spruce up my Daddy's headstone. A was sad to see the wreath he had put out there go, but was glad he could help put out the new flowers and the piece of quartz he found Papaw around the headstone.

Mom and I love a great deal and are not beyond getting free stuff off Craigslist, though we are very careful. So last night Mom found an ad for free delivered mulch and she called on it this morning. The person that answered said that she would send an e-mail and they would let us know when they are in the area with a full truck that needed unloading. So we went ahead and went out shopping until we got a phone call telling us they were ready to deliver a load of mixed wood mulch delivered absolutely FREE!!! Needless to say we cut our shopping trip short and came home so we could show them where to put it. Five out of Eight of the Barred Rock hens had to jump the fence as soon as it was dumped in the yard and check it out...

....and as soon as the kids got off the bus they had to check it out as well..."Cheep Cheep" even went back up the pile to tell the kids all about it...lol...

I have been writing my blog on and off for awhile now, but around the beginning of this year I really stepped thing up and have been writing almost daily, adding pages, reorganizing and even adding widgets.
This evening I found myself wandering about Pinterest looking for ideas for a bridal shower cake that I will be making in mid March and I have to say "I absolutely love Pinterest!" I can sit for hours and get lost in the projects others have done. It's very inspirational to see the work of others and imagine what I could do with their designs and ideas to make them mine. Pinterest has become much more user friendly as it has been updated and tonight it was easy to finish getting my 58 boards neatly organized in alphabetical order. I have pinned over 1,600 different ideas to my boards and have 121 followers. {I'm sure to some people that's not even a drop in the bucket, but it makes me feel special!} :0) Anyways, while I was perusing I found the code I needed to add a widget to my blog and Wa La now you can easily join me on Pinterest too! If you have never been to Pinterest, think of it as a place to store all the bookmarks to pages you have found on the internet and may want to visit again one day, then go a step farther and add folders, "Boards," and large thumbnails and descriptions so you don't have to hunt and peck to find what you are looking for. Plus it's social and you can share Pins and Boards with your friends, family or search anything and find related pins from all over the world!
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