The weather was so beautiful today we couldn't stay cooped up while we waited for the gas company to show up. So we got dressed and went out to make good use of such nice weather after opening the windows to air out the house. We started with the path between the blueberries and blackberries. Mom had gotten the plastic pulled back last weekend when she started the blueberries so we had to rake it smooth again and pull it back straight before we could fix the bricks on the sides and add the mulch.
The next project we worked on was getting some potatoes planted in our first tire stack, then we used a tomato cage that we found at my sisters and some plastic mesh my brother brought by over the winter to protect the potato sprouts from the chickens until we can fence the garden. We even added some rope to secure it to the fence so that they couldn't knock it over and hopefully we will have a nice potato harvest in the fall.
Once we got the potatoes squared away we moved on to the middle garden and moved the rest of the cement blocks we had from the old garden to their new home. Then we finished filling in the back garden so the peas and carrots can be planted tomorrow and we are hoping that we can finish the back garden beside the potatoes tomorrow and get it ready for the onions and tomatoes.
Not only did the ducks and chickens get like 4 servings of scratch today, they also got an extra special treat when we filled their big water trough that they like to swim and bathe in. The poor things were all trying to fit in their water dish at once... Apparently 3 ducks is all you can fit at once though! As you can see!

Once we got it done it looked much better and now we have easy access to the side field without having to walk all the way around the berries every time. Plus it's wide enough to drive the riding mower through! Now we just need to put some more mulch around the blackberries and move the back bricks out a little and that whole area will be done for the year.

We were still at it when the kids got home from school and we got some help out of them, but they were much more interested in watching the men from the gas company install the gas line, tanks and stove.

One last cute picture for the day..."A" had rode his bike into the backyard and parked it to help me with something... when we turned back to look at his bike one of our little barred rock hens was on the back tire checking it out!

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