If you missed your chance to get a free your two free Pokemon cards, activity book and poster today at Toy"R"Us there will be another opportunity on April 2nd between Noon and 2 pm. There was an area for kids to battle and trade cards and a table with employees handing out the freebies and a couple of featured products. It looked kinda small when we first arrived, but after the initial crowd got through the line for the freebies there was enough space to check out each others cards. Since we are living in two homes and didn't prepare ourselves properly we didn't have any of our card books with us, but we are going to do our best to give them the chance to show his cards off the next time...It would be a tight schedule for April 2nd, but the kids may have just enough time to stop at Toy"R"Us on the way to the Glessner wedding...I will have to see what I can do because I think those cards are awesome too and I hope the kids don't miss out on them!

Today's cards were a "Magikarp" and "Pikachu" Toy"R"Us special edition shiny foil cards! They are really cool collectors items even though they have low HP.

The cards in April will be a Clefairy and Meowth have awesome designs too! Today's event was the first Pokemon event we attended at Toys"R"us and we look forward to attending future events too.

The kids activity books were really cool with instructions to draw Pikachu, a couple of identification games and a maze. The answer key to the activities was on the back page and could have been disguised better, but I liked it none-the-less. Overall I would say I rate the event a 4 out of 5 stars. I think the staff was friendly, the line moved smoothly and the free giveaways were nice items. I would have stocked the area with Pokemon products instead of Legos (or at least have moved the Pokemon display to within view of the event area) and I would have put the freebies right by the entrance and the table to play in the middle to leave a bigger path on each side for people to exit. Something more like the sketch below! :0)

We did get a nice tip from the guy in front of us, who was a Pokemon expert, and even got some free $$ at the event. There was a lady doing surveys about the event and each household could take about a 5 minute survey for $10 cash! I had tipped my brother off to the event earlier in the day and when I saw him there I got him to participate in the survey too and we each got $10 for our time. He used his free money to get A's birthday present and we got him a $3 discount on the present with the BOGO 40% off sale on Pokemon stuff by combining our purchases. I had planned to buy something to go with A's birthday cake since he wants a Pokemon theme for his party and there was a sale to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Pokemon so the discount and free $$ was an awesome bonus for the shopping trip!!!!
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