People are always telling me I have my hands full and I really do, but I don't think having twins has anything to do with it. I think 3 kids is a handful any way you look at it. My kids are getting ready to turn 5 and 8 and having the three of them has been a challenge most days, but I wouldn't trade it for the least most of the time...hehehe...I do love them with all of my heart and challenging or not it has been a blessing to see them grow and learn over the years. I have kissed boo boos and wiped away tears, we have laughed and cried together, we have taken trips, and we have been a family the way family is supposed to be.

The biggest personal challenge I have faced with my kids has been them all talking to me at once and they especially love to do it when I get on the phone. One will be repeating the same question over and over until they get an answer and the other two will be talking over each other to tell me something that they feel has to be said right now. I don't think it's any different for me than it is for any other mother of three (I have heard "having twins must be so much harder" more than I can count).
As far as the twins go they are like night and day in some ways and exactly the same in others. Em is shy, mellow-dramatic, and loud (what a combination, huh?), while Is doesn't let things bother her as much, she's a social butterfly and she's quiet (this one is just as complex)! Em is very good at reading and can read over 50 words and a couple of books. While Is, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have that same drive to learn to read and has been more of a challenge to stay patient with as she learns. They do both loves hugs and cuddles, going to church, dancing, singing, listening to stories, playing outside, and eating tomatoes. They both have thousands of questions, an appetite for knowledge that is insatiable, and great imaginations. Neither of them like the dark and as far as dislikes go that's pretty much the only one they agree upon.

For all of my kids I try to focus on their successes and talents and celebrate the things that make them great instead of focusing on ways they may fall short. The first thing we do after school is a behavior check and everyone is praised for any good reports brought home, then it's time for "A" to do his homework, I make sure to continue working on reading with Is and Em daily and I encourage Em to color neatly instead of scribbling, but I also compliment her on her reading skills and Is on how good her drawings are. For "A "we try to focus on the areas he got a smiley face for in his behavior book (yup we're there again) and the good grades he gets on most of his school work. I feel like this gives us a way we can work on their individual challenges, but we can also offer the encouragement of praise.

I am having a lot more trouble with focusing on the good when it comes to raising "A"...some say it's because he's a boy, some have suggested medication or counseling, some say there is too much change in his life and he needs things to become and stay more constant. He is struggling a lot in school staying focused, making friends, not annoying others, speaking and acting politely, and respecting personal space. Each year starts out so-so in school with a few pot holes and once he has been there awhile it seems like things spiral downward and we have so many negative reports from teachers at school and church that it is hard to focus on the positives. We tried a point system that made him angry and more defiant, we have grounded him, talked to him til we were blue in the face, and nothing seems to get better and stay better. There is a parent-teacher conference in my near future and hopefully she will have some good suggestions. If not then let countdown begin: there are only 3 more months of school left. Next year we will again be in a new school (he is looking forward to that), with new friends (this part is hard for him) and a new Cub Scout Pack (so far both of our Packs have been good and we will hate to leave this one behind as well). We are hopeful that this move will be the last one for us for awhile and things can become a little more consistent. Maybe it will help? I guess only time will tell?
We do have plans to move this summer and we are even hoping to buy our first house. "A" really wants to go back to the Glenvar area, but most likely we will end up a little closer to or in the NRV. For now it's time to do a little party planning and get some rest before the new school week starts tomorrow!
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