Cub Scout Pack 30
has started a new service project and we would like to reach out to the community to see how much support we can rally! We have joined together with the local OA to support Gleaning for the World in their "Teddy Bear Brigade" this year!
This mission project was created to help provide comfort and security to kids going through a tough time. They may have been abandoned, have had a house fire, be seriously ill or have been affected by a war or natural disaster and most of them have nothing to call their own. Children going through a disaster or illness are changed by receiving even a small gift of something they can claim as theirs.
For anyone that lives in SW VA ---- If you have any spare toys or would like to buy some to donate that fit the criteria below please let me know by April 20, 2016 and I will make arrangements to meet you to pick them up before our deadline of April 26, 2016 or you can drop them off at Bethlehem United Methodist in Moneta, VA.
The stuffed animals you donate should fit the following
criteria and can be new or used:
- Clean and free of rips,
tears, stains, and odors
- No battery packs or squeaky
- Nothing scary,
Halloween-related, or military affiliated
- Stuffed animals of all sizes
will be accepted but the suggested size range is stuffed animals between
10” and 15” tall
We have actually participated in a few toy drives for gently used toys and of course we moved not too long ago, so we have been whittling down our stuffed toy collection, but when I counted there were still 90 of them between the three kids. I was actually surprised that we seemed to have so few, but even as small as most of them are the pile still covered the couch. "Em" really impressed me with her generosity and willingness to give away even some of her most favorites, "Is" shed a few tears in the process, but eventually found a couple she was willing to part with and "A", who has more than his sisters put together, was the most difficult, but he too found some generosity in his heart and made his contribution. I am proud of all three of them for participating in this mission and I hope it helps to shape them into giving and caring adults one day!

((And even though we have so many stuffed animals, they are all dear to us and hold special memories and it was hard to let go of any of them, but we felt like we should do our part to help some less fortunate kids who will love them just as much or more than we did!))
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