Brrrrrr.....Who ordered all this cold and no snow? Lol... We are actually supposed to get some more snow on Monday followed by some freezing rain, so probably no school on Monday or Tuesday again, but we'll see. According to right now it is 24 degrees Fahrenheit outside, but it only feels like 14....that is way too cold for me and totally not worth it unless it's at least pretty and white out there so I can go sledding and build snowmen!

I just got in from counting the chickens (they move a lot and sometimes I'm just not sure I had enough when the coop was shut for the night) I bundled up and went out in the cold night to count the chickens again before I got into bed myself. When I got to the young Barred Rock Hens at first I had six, then eight, then six again...I finally decided there were only eight out of nine and I headed out into the yard again to see if I could spot the missing hen. I looked under the wheelbarrow, in the garden and under a tub that is propped up upside down to no I started to head over towards some things by the side of the house a little blur on the fence caught my eye and that's where I found my cold little hen. I gathered her up in my arms to little protest and carried her back to the hen house where she can be warm and safe with her flock for the night.

All of our birds have a personality of their own. We have a talker that will follow us around the yard and just cheep away, two that like to jump the fence and go exploring, ducks that will catch bread in mid-air and climb fences. Some have names and some don't, but I love them just the same. So even when it's only 24 degrees out there I will still get all bundled up and go make sure they are all safely tucked into the warmth of their coop for the night.
Tomorrow is scheduled full of Valentine's Fun starting bright and early with a party in the girl's class at 9:30-10:30 am, Aiden's class party/dance from 1-2:15 pm and Aiden and I are going to go to Salem to see his "girlfriend" at Thunder Valley for a couple of hours. It will be a long day, but the memories will be totally worth it. For now I think it is time to go to bed and try to get some sleep.
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